
出版時間:2010-6  出版社:北京理工大學(xué)出版社  作者:金郁,楊國 主編  頁數(shù):231  


《商務(wù)英語閱讀教程》是北京理工大學(xué)出版社高等學(xué)校精品課程規(guī)劃教材,也是項目式教學(xué)課程開發(fā)研究成果之結(jié)晶。項目式教學(xué)是行動導(dǎo)向教學(xué)的實現(xiàn)形式,是基于工作過程的課程觀,體現(xiàn)工學(xué)結(jié)合的特點,構(gòu)建“工學(xué)結(jié)合”的教學(xué)模式以全面提高學(xué)生的職業(yè)能力素質(zhì)。     本教材將學(xué)生應(yīng)該掌握的技能由淺入深地融入到不同的項目中,每個項目先是情景導(dǎo)人,然后陳述項目的目標(biāo)和內(nèi)容,接下來細(xì)分兩個任務(wù),包括閱讀技巧和實際案例,做到了主題清楚、任務(wù)明確。


Module One  Inter-cultural Communication  Task One  Analyzing Sentence Structures  Task Two  Inter-cultural CommunicationModule Two  Business Etiquette  Task One  Guess the New Words Through Context  Task Two  Business EtiquetteModule Three  Company Culture  Task One  Analyzing Long Sentences  Task Two  Reading-centered ActivitiesModule Four  Human Resources Management  Task One  Identifying the Main Idea in Sentences    Task Two  Human Resources ManagementModule Five  Company Performance  Task One  Identifying the Main Idea in a Paragraph  Task Two  Company PerformanceModule Six  Brand Power  Task One  Reading Between Lines  Task Two  Brand PowerModule Seven  Marketing  Task One  Identifying Reference  Task Two  Marketing Module Eight  Advertising  Task One  Predicting the Next  Task Two  AdvertisingModule Nine  E-commerce  Task One  Skimming  Task Two  E-commerceModule Ten  Successful Entrepreneurs  Task One  Scanning  Task Two  Successful EntrepreneursSuggested Keys



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