
出版時(shí)間:2008-8  出版社:北京理工大學(xué)出版社  作者:盧炳群 主編,戴曉羚,張軍 分冊(cè)主編  頁(yè)數(shù):105  字?jǐn)?shù):186000  




Unit 1  Hard Working  Part One  Lead In  Part Two  Text    The Meaning of Hard Work  Part Three  Exercises  Part Four  Fun TimeUnit 2  The Overworked, Networked Family  Part One  Lead In  Part Two  Text    The Overworked, Networked Family  Part Three  Exercises  Part Four  Fun TimeUnit 3  Team Work  Part One  Lead In  Part Two  Text    An Individual and a Team  Part Three  Exercises  Part Four  Fun TimeUnit 4  Corporate Culture  Part One  Lead In  Part Two  Text    Dimensions of Corporate Culture  Part Three  Exercises  Part Four  Fun TimeUnit 5  Public Speaking Do's and Don'ts  Part One  Lead In  Part Two  Text    Public Speaking Do's and Don'ts  Part Three  Exercises  Part Four  Fun TimeUnit 6  Dealing with Customer Complaints  Part One  Lead In  Part Two  Text    Dealing with Customer Complaints  Part Three  Exercises  Part Four  Fun TimeUnit 7  Shopping Online  Part One  Lead In  Part Two  Text    Shopping Online  Part Three  Exercises  Part Four  Fun TimeUnit 8  Bad News on the Internet  Part One  Lead In  Part Two  Text    Bad News on the Internet  Part Three  Exercises  Part Four  Fun TimeUnit 9  Now IT's SQ!  Part One  Lead In  Part Two  Text    Now IT's SQ!  Part Three  Exercises  Part Four  Fun TimeUnit 10  E-Learning  Part One  Lead In  Part Two  Text    New Answers for E-Learning -- Wikis and Avatars are Improving the Educational Experience  Part Three  Exercises  Part Four  Fun Time



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