
出版時(shí)間:2007-5  出版社:北京理工大學(xué)出版社  作者:劉倩  頁(yè)數(shù):178  字?jǐn)?shù):211000  


全書由10個(gè)單元構(gòu)成,內(nèi)容涉及旅游的全過程以及典型的旅游生活場(chǎng)景。形式以對(duì)話為主,每單元包括3段對(duì)話,對(duì)話后設(shè)計(jì)了一些活動(dòng)以提供練習(xí)英語的機(jī)會(huì),最后補(bǔ)充一篇介紹國(guó)內(nèi)外著名旅游勝地的短文,目的在于擴(kuò)大學(xué)生的知識(shí)面,使他們加深對(duì)世界的了解,提高對(duì)旅游的興趣和學(xué)習(xí)旅游英語的熱情?! 〉谝粏卧喝ブ袊?guó)的途中。介紹怎樣辦理登機(jī)手續(xù)、飛機(jī)上的服務(wù)以及辦理入境手續(xù)?! 〉诙卧和ㄐ?。涉及叫出租車、打國(guó)際電話及郵政服務(wù)?! 〉谌龁卧涸谫e館。介紹預(yù)訂賓館房間和賓館服務(wù)?! 〉谒膯卧簥蕵?。內(nèi)容涉及觀賞京劇、劇間休息及舞蹈?! 〉谖鍐卧涸诓宛^。介紹餐館點(diǎn)菜及中餐館和美式餐館的有關(guān)服務(wù)?! 〉诹鶈卧涸诼眯猩?。介紹與旅行社打交道的相關(guān)事宜?! 〉谄邌卧河斡[曲阜。通過游覽曲阜介紹常用的導(dǎo)游用語?! 〉诎藛卧嘿?gòu)物。通過在不同的商店購(gòu)物介紹中國(guó)的部分旅游產(chǎn)品及購(gòu)物用語。  第九單元:中國(guó)的節(jié)日。介紹中國(guó)的三大傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日:春節(jié)、元宵節(jié)和中秋節(jié)。  第十單元:緊急情況和麻煩。介紹在旅游過程中可能遇到的麻煩及相關(guān)用語。  本書適用于大專院校英語專業(yè)及旅游專業(yè)的學(xué)生,也可作為旅游窗口行業(yè)人員培訓(xùn)教材,還可供旅游愛好者參考之用。


Unit 1 On the Way to China Dialogue 1 Checking in at the Airport Dialogue 2 On the Airplane Dialogue 3 Arriving in Beijing Further Reading:Tower BridgeUnit 2 Communications Dialogue 1 At the Front Desk of Minzu Hotel Dialogue 2 Making a Telephone Call Dialogue 3 At the Post Office Further Reading:GuilinUnit 3 At a Hotel Dialogue 1 Making a Hotel Reservation Dialogue 2 Booking into a Hotel Dialogue 3 Hotel Services Further Reading:Yellowstone National ParkUnit 4 Recreation and Entertainment  Dialogue 1 Enjoying Beijing Opera in the Theatre Dialogue 2 During the Intermission Dialogue 3 Dancing in the Ballroom Further Reading:The Lea~ing TowerUnit 5 At Restaurants Dialogue 1 At a Restaurant Dialogue 2 A Chinese Banquet Dialogue 3 An American Dinner Further Reading:Great Barrier Reef--A Natural World Wonder,Unit 6 At the Travel Agency  Dialogue 1 Telephoning the Travel Agency Dialogue 2 Booking an Air Ticket  Dialogue 3 Booking a Passage Further Reading:History of Taj MahalUnit 7 Visiting Qufu Dialogue 1 Visiting the Temple of Confucius Dialogue 2 Visiting the Mansion of Confucius Dialogue 3 Visiting the Forest of Confucius Further Reading:RomeUnit 8 Shopping Dialogue 1 At the Shop near the Forbidden City Dialogue 2 At a Handicraft Store Dialogue 3 In a Souvenir Store Further Reading:The Summer PalaceUnit 9 Chinese Festivals Dialogue 1 Talking about the Spring Festival Dialogue 2 Talking about the Lantern Festival Dialogue 3 Talking about the Mid-Autumn Festival Further Reading:New ZealandUnit 10 Emergencies and Troubles Dialogue 1 At the Lost Property Counter Dialogue 2 Getting Sick Dialogue 3 In a Branch of Bank of China Further Reading:Go Diving in the Gulf of ThailandKey to the Exercises




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