
出版時間:2005-7  出版社:北京理工大學(xué)出版社  作者:Edward Allen,Patrick Rand  頁數(shù):248  字?jǐn)?shù):312000  




Chapter 1 Basic Principles of Geometrical Optics 1.1 Waves and Rays 1.2 Basic Law of Geometrical Optics 1.3 Refractive Index and Speed of Light 1.4 Reversibility of Ray Paths and Total Internal Reflection 1.5 Vector Form of Basic Laws  1.6 Classfication of Optical Systems and Concept of Imaging 1.7 Ideal Images and Ideal Optical SystemsChapter 2 Image Formation of Symmetrical Systems Made from Spherical Surfaces 2.1 Ray Tracing Formulae for Symmetrical Systems Made from Spherical Surfaces 2.2 Sign Convention 2.3 Imaging Characters and Ray Tracing in the Paraxial Region  2.4 Basic Formula of Paraxial Region 2.5 Cardinal Points of an Optical System 2.6 Principal Planes and Focal Points of a Coaxial Spheric System 2.7 Principal Planes and Focal Points of a Coaxial Spheric System 2.8 Chart ILLUSTRATION FOR iMAGE fORMATION 2.9 Image Position and Size 2.10 Magnifications of Optical Systems 2.11 Optical Invariant 2.12 Relationship between Front Effective and Back Effective Focal Lengths 2.13 Nodal Planes and Nodal Points 2.14 Image Heigh of the Object at Infinity 2.15 The Combination of Ideal Optical Systems 2.16 Ray Tracing for Ideal Optical Systems 2.17 Equations for Calculating Positions of Principal Planes and Focal Focal Points of a Single Lens Chapter 3 Instruments for Human Eyes ……Chapter 4 Mirror and Prism SystemsChapter 5 Selection of Image Rays in Optical SystemsChapter 6 Basics of Radiometry and PhotometryChapter 7 Image Quality of Optical SystemChapter 8 Telescope and MicroscopeChapter 9 Camera and ProjectorVocabularyBibliography




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