
出版時間:2005-5  出版社:北京理工大學出版社  作者:葉云屏  頁數(shù):252  


  寫一篇英語文章如同設計一座建筑,既要講究外形結(jié)構(gòu)風格,又要注重其內(nèi)部設施的實際功能。建筑設計師要根據(jù)周圍的環(huán)境和房子的用途、目的確定設計原則與風格,寫文章也要根據(jù)情景和目的來立意、構(gòu)思、選材?! ”緯鶕?jù)大學英語寫作教學內(nèi)容與教學目標,以及一般英語文章的寫作目的與體式,將一般英語寫作任務粗略地分為六大類型或模式,對學生的寫作能力進行分類集中訓練。  本書強調(diào)信息交流能力的培養(yǎng),強調(diào)篇章層面上的教學,強調(diào)培養(yǎng)學生的語言得體意識。為此,每單元內(nèi)容的設計遵照從輸入到產(chǎn)出的學習規(guī)律,首先分析、欣賞從英語原版期刊中挑選的、代表典型寫作模式的文章,然后讓學生舉一反三,模仿其寫作手法,就一定的對象、話題,為了一定的目的進行寫作練習?! ”緯木帉戇€充分體現(xiàn)了學生的主體性原則,表現(xiàn)在教師指導與學生完成任務的教學模式上。任務的設計采用自上而下的方略,即從把握文章的主旨和宏觀結(jié)構(gòu)入手,然后理解細節(jié)和語言特點,了解特定的語言形式是如何為表達意義服務的?! ∶繂卧淖詈笠豁梼?nèi)容是Adapting your writing for oral presentation,為學生提供了一系列口頭表達技巧,有助于學生重視發(fā)展自己口頭表達思想的能力,也有助于提高他們的語體意識。  本書雖然是為大學英語寫作課程而設計,但考慮到課時的限制,不僅閱讀文章有詳細的注解,而且對文章的語言表達特點、寫作特點與方法作了詳盡的解釋,因此,亦可供同等水平英語學習者作為教材或自學參考。


Block A: Descriptions Unit 1 Describing a Person  Nicolas Copernicus Unit 2 Describing an Organization  UKCOSA: The Council for International Education, Unit 3 Describing a Place,  Hyde ParkBlock B: Explanations Unit 4 Offering a Suggestion  Power Phrases: The Key to Winning Respect Unit 5 Giving Instructions  Controlling Weeds in Your Lawn and Garden Unit 6 Giving a Definition  Epidemics: A Historical PerspectiveBlock C: Analyses Unit 7 Analyzing a Common Phenomenon  You Are Welcome Unit 8 Analyzing a Serious Problem  School Violence: What Police Should/Could Do Unit 9 Analyzing Research Findings  The Threat of Small HouseholdsBlock D: Evaluations Unit 10 Evaluating a Book  Secrets of the Tomb Unit 11 Evaluating a Product,  Easy Solution to Hard Water Problem Unit 12 Evaluating a Solution to a Problem  Two Bad Remedies and One Good SolutionBlock E:Reports(Ⅰ) Unit 13 Reporting News  Fear of Human Pandemic Grows as Bird Flu Sweeps Through Asia Unit 14 Reporting Views    The Great Oil Hunt Unit 15 Reporting an Interview with an Important Person  Interview: The Numbers GameBlock F: Reports(Ⅱ) Unit 16 Reporting a Problem  Internet Privacy Unit 17 Proposing a Solution to a Problem  Can Mr. Bill Clean Up Your In-Box? Unit 18 Reporting Research Findings,  No Truth to the Fountain of YouthAnswers Tips for daptingy0ur writing for oral presentation  1. Speak rather than read the speech  2. Pace your speech  3. Relieve your tension  4. Use simple and precise language  5. Establish the speaker-audience connection  6. Define unfamiliar words/terms/concepts when speaking  7. Use visual aids to express statistics……



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