
出版時(shí)間:2011-9  出版社:旅游教育  作者:上海旅游行業(yè)飯店職業(yè)能力認(rèn)證系列教材委會  頁數(shù):223  




前廳服務(wù)篇  Chapter 1 Front Office Operation前廳部運(yùn)作    Unit 1 Front Office Operation前廳部運(yùn)作  Chapter 2 Operator and Phone話務(wù)員與電話服務(wù)    Unit 1 Directing Inquiries and Requests處理問訊與要求    Unit 2 Taking Messages留言服務(wù)    Unit 3 Wake-up Call Service叫醒服務(wù)  Chapter 3 Room Reservations客房預(yù)訂    Unit 1  Reservation預(yù)訂    Unit 2 Up—selling Rooms客房增銷    Unit 3  Reservation Amendments變更預(yù)訂  Chapter 4 Rece}ption and Check—in接待與入住登記    Unit 1 Normal Check-in常規(guī)人住登記    Unit 2 Late Checkin and Walkin Checkin延遲入住與散客入住登記    Unit 3 VIP Check-in貴賓入住登記  Chapter 5 Concierge Service禮賓服務(wù)    Unit 1  Information Inquiries信息問訊    Unit 2 Baggage Service行李服務(wù)    Unit 3 Ticket Service票務(wù)服務(wù)  Chapter 6 Cashier and Check—out收款與退房    Unit 1 Check—out退房    Unit 2 Payment Methods--Cash or Card支付方式——現(xiàn)金或刷卡    Unit 3 Foreign Currency Exchange外幣兌換客房服務(wù)篇  Chapter 1 Housekeeping Operation客房部運(yùn)作    Unit 1 Housekeeping Operation客房部運(yùn)作  Chapter 2 Room Cleaning Service客房清潔服務(wù)    Unit 1 Regular Cleaning常規(guī)客房清潔    Unit 2 Turn—down Service開夜床服務(wù)  Chapter 3  Facilities Maintenance and Repair設(shè)施維護(hù)與維修    Unit 1 Facilities for the Handicapped殘障人士專用設(shè)施    Unit 2 Facilities Problems設(shè)施故障    Unit 3  Finding Facilities Problems in Guest Rooms    在客房發(fā)現(xiàn)設(shè)施問題  Chapter 4 Laund Service洗衣服務(wù)    Unit 1 Laundry Collecting收衣服務(wù)    Unit 2 Returning the Laundry送衣服務(wù)  Chapter 5 Other Housekeeping Services其他客房服務(wù)    Unit 1 Loaning Items借用物品    Unit 2 Public Areas公共區(qū)域餐飲服務(wù)篇  Chapter 1 Restaurant Operation餐廳運(yùn)作    Unit 1 Restaurant Operation餐廳運(yùn)作  Chapter 2 Reservations and Seating Guests預(yù)訂與領(lǐng)位    Unit 1 Table Reservations餐位預(yù)訂    Unit 2 Seating Guests領(lǐng)位  Chapter 3 Taking Orders and Serving Food點(diǎn)餐與上菜    Unit 1 Taking Chinese Food Orders中餐點(diǎn)餐服務(wù)    Unit 2 Taking Western Food Orders西餐點(diǎn)餐服務(wù)    Unit 3  Serving Dishes to Individuals  上菜服務(wù)    Unit 4 Serving Wine to Individuals上酒服務(wù)  Chapter 4 Bar Service酒吧服務(wù)    Unit 1 Alcoholic Beverages含酒精飲品    Unit 2 Soft Drinks軟飲料  Chapter 5 Settling the Bill收款結(jié)賬    Unit 1 F&B Payment Methods餐飲費(fèi)支付方式    Unit 2 Settling Bill Problems解決賬單問題  Chapter 6 Room Service客房送餐服務(wù)    Unit 1 Taking Room Service Orders客房送餐預(yù)訂    Unit 2 Delivering the Food送餐進(jìn)房附錄篇  Appendix 1  Frequent Problems in Customer Service對客服務(wù)中的常見問題及處理    Case 1  Frequent Problems at Front Desk前臺常見問題及處理    Case 2  Frequent Problems with Guest Rooms客房常見問題及處理    Case 3  Frequent Problems with F&B Service餐飲服務(wù)常見問題及處理  Appendix 2 Information for Traveling in Different Countries不同國度旅游資訊    Reading 1 Japan  日本    Reading 2 India印度    Reading 3 Eastern USA美國東部    Reading 4 Central and Western USA美國中西部    Reading 5 France法國    Reading 6 Germany德國



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