
出版時(shí)間:2010-1  出版社:旅游教育出版社  作者:杜江,戴斌 著  頁數(shù):443  


In 1979 China started the policy of reform and opening-up. During thesethirty years of development, the tourism industry has gained valuableexperiences in all phases of modernization, industrialization and marketization.However, in the early years, the real focus of the policy was to earn hardcurrency from the inbound tourists. Today a new strategy has been initiated todevelop the three main tourist markets——inbound, outbound and domesticmarkets. In the early stages, the tourism management organizations integratedthe needs of both the government authorities and the private entrepreneurs.The current situation is that tourism associations and commercial enterprisescooperate under the supervision of the government authorities. In the earlyyears, the tourism operations were labor intensive with management mainlybased on experience. Today's industry is driven by business innovations andsupported by modern technology and capital operation. China's tourismindustry not only merges gradually into the nation's economic and socialstrategic development system, but also plays a leading role in internationaltourism community. In 2008, in spite of the impact of the worldwide financialcrises, China achieved remarkable tourism records of 131 million inboundtourists, 45. 84 million outbound tourists and 1. 712 billion domestic tourists.


  In 1979 China started the policy of reform and opening-up. During thesethirty years of development, the tourism industry has gained valuableexperiences in all phases of modernization, industrialization and marketization.


Prof. Du Jiang (杜江) has a PhD in economics and is now the Deputy General Director of China National Tourism Administration and President of the China Tourism Academy.A veteran researcher and a prolific academic writer in tourismoperations and management, Dr. Du also holds academic advisor positions at the national and ministerial levels. He is on the editorial board of The Asia Pacific' Journal of Tourism and Tourism Marketing Research.


Chapter 1  The Framework and Methodology of Comparative Study of Travel Services Management  Section I  The Rationale to the Comparative Study and Comparative Management  Section II  The Theoretic System and Research Methodology of Comparative Economics  Section III  The Research System of Comparative Studies on Travel Services  Summary  Further ReadingsChapter 2  A Comparative Study of Fundamental Theories and Concepts of Travel Services  Section I  A Camparison of Concepts of Travel Services  Section II  A Comparison of the Social Roles and Impacts of Travel Services  Section III A Comparison of Development Concepts of Travel Services  Summary  Further ReadingsChapter 3  A Comparative Study of Historical Development and Evolution Modes of Travel Services  Section I  International Historical Development and Evolution Modes of Travel Services  Section II  Development and Evolvement Patterns of the Chinese Travel Service Industry  Summary  Further ReadingsChapter 4 A Comparison of the Market Environments of Travel Services  Section I  A Comparison of Tourism Development Patterns  Section lI  A Comparison of the Organizational Structure and Economic  Efficiency of Travel Services  Section III  A Comparison of Tourist Consumption Patterns  Summary  Further ReadingsChapter 5  A Comparison of the Institutional Environments of Travel Services  Section I  A Comparison of Government Regulation Systems in Travel Services  Section II  A Comparison of Governmental Administrative Systems in Travel Services  Section III  A Comparison of Travel Service Industrial Organization and Their Operation Mechanism.    Summary  Further ReadingsChapter 6  A Comparison of Travel Service Distribution Systems and Operation Approaches  Section I  A Comparison of Distribution Systems of Travel Services  Section II  A Comparison of Travel Service Establishment Forms and Technological Conditions  Section IU  A Comparison of Travel Service Operation Patterns  Section IV  The Evolution and Impacts of Travel Services  Summary  Further ReadingsChapter 7  A Comparison of Travel Service Organization Management and Development Patterns  Section I  General Theories on the Organization Management of Travel Services  ……Chapter 8  A Comparison of Marketing Managements of Travel ServicesChapter 9  A Comparison of Travel Service Reception ManagementsChapter 10  A Comparison of Crisis Managements of Travel ServicesChapter 11  A Comparison of Development Trends of Travel Services IndustryFurther Readings


插圖:Fifth, comparison scope immeasurability means that the language classificationstructure used during investigations is based on the researchers' assumption (s). Theessence of things is also based on their theoretical supposition. According to Khun, geometric objects can be compared because geometry has auniversal method. But in a comparative study of liberal arts, no such universal"geometry method" exists. Every researcher applies his/her own "geometry method"somewhat differently from other researchers. And every such "geometry method" followsthe same research logic of geometry with its own independent axiom (s) and theoremsystem. Every researcher of liberal arts set up a certain core conception as the seedconception of essential definition, on the basis of which they establish a frameconception to explain the compared objects and build a link among them. Sixth, seeking identity should be the foundation of a comparative study andproducing new identity should be its basic purpose. This means that an innovativecomparative study involves seeking differences, rather than seeking identity without anydifferences. It is often possible to conclude in advance that one of the two objects undercomparative study is more advanced in terms of efficiency or fairness during itsdevelopment. This does not follow that the researchers allow the other objects to bemodeled after the advanced object (s) or take it as a universal template with which torenovate the other objects. The right approach should instead emphasize theindividuality of different objects, even while using the advanced object as reference.This approach is mandated by both the development of comparative study and thediversified development needs of the objects studied.





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