
出版時間:2010-5  出版社:旅游教育出版社  作者:徐敬珍 主編  頁數(shù):279  


  《英文精品閱讀》是為了適應(yīng)目前新形勢下大學(xué)生英語學(xué)習(xí)的需求而編寫的一本教材。包括兩部分,共8個單元17課,供學(xué)生一個學(xué)期使用?! 〉谝徊糠譃闀r文選粹,包括4個單元,所選文章涉及現(xiàn)代科技與生活、西方人看中國、西方一瞥以及生活中的智慧;第二部分為中外經(jīng)典,也包括4個單元,所選文章涵蓋英國文學(xué)中的經(jīng)典散文、詩歌、短篇小說和長篇小說節(jié)選,以及中國名流的經(jīng)典英文散文。每一課都包括課文、注解、與課文密切相關(guān)的練習(xí)及開放性的思考題。本教材每單元的第一課都有一個關(guān)于閱讀技巧的專題講解。該單元的每一課都有就這一閱讀技巧所設(shè)計的練習(xí),同時這些練習(xí)與該課的課文也密切相關(guān)。此外,每單元還配有豐富的閱讀材料,供學(xué)生課外閱讀使用。除開放性問題外,所有問題都配有參考答案,以附錄形式附在書后?! ”窘滩脑趦?nèi)容的選擇上新穎獨特,既保留了傳統(tǒng)閱讀教材的廣泛性,又融人了英語文學(xué)的經(jīng)典性;既有英語文學(xué)中的經(jīng)典作品,又有反映時代信息的時文選粹;既有英語名家名篇,又有中國人的優(yōu)秀英文作品;既有正文學(xué)習(xí)又有補充閱讀;既有語言方面的練習(xí),又有閱讀技能的講解,經(jīng)典性、廣泛性、趣味性和實用性相輔相成≮有機地結(jié)合在_起。因此,本教材既能提高學(xué)生的英語語言水平,又能提高他們的文學(xué)文化修養(yǎng)。同時也能提高他們的英語學(xué)習(xí)興趣和民族自豪感?! ∮捎诒窘滩陌瑑?nèi)容廣、信息量大,學(xué)生在使用本教材時應(yīng)該做好課前預(yù)習(xí)和課后復(fù)習(xí)。另外,由于每課所配的練習(xí)量較大,教師在使用該教材過程中,可對課后練習(xí)有選擇地使用?! ”窘滩目勺鳛橛⒄Z專業(yè)大學(xué)一、二年級學(xué)生的泛讀教材,非英語專業(yè)大學(xué)三、四年級學(xué)生的高級閱讀教材,繼續(xù)教育學(xué)院專升本學(xué)生、高職英語專業(yè)學(xué)生的泛讀教材或高級閱讀教材,也可作為英語專業(yè)學(xué)生的課外閱讀材料,同時還可供其他英語愛好者自學(xué)使用。




Section One Fine Works on Current Issues  Unit 1 Modern Technology and Life    Lesson One  The Rise of Baidu      David Barboza      Reading Skill One: Guessing the Meaning of Unknown      Words from Context Clues (Part One)    Lesson Two  Striking a Balance between Privacy and Convenience      Douglas C. Curling    Lesson Three  To Clone or Not to Clone, Is Than the Question?      Supplementary Reading One      Strategic Cost Management  Unit 2 China in the Eyes of Westerners    Lesson Four  Shanghai's Boom: A Building Frenzy      Howard W. French      Reading Skill Two: Guessing the Meaning of Unknown      Words from Context Clues (Part Two)    Lesson Five  China Competes with West in Aid to Its Neighbors      Jane Perlez      Supplementary Reading Two      Chinese New Year--A Promise of Peace and Prosperity      William N. Brown  Unit 3 Glimpse of the West    Lesson Six  Political Parties in the United States      Reading Skill Three : Guessing the Meaning of Unfamiliar      Vocabulary  from  Word-formation      Clues (compounding and conversion)    Lesson Seven  Christmas in New Zealand      Supplementary Reading Three      Impressions of America      Oscar Wilde  Unit 4 Wisdom in Life    Lesson Eight  The Shadows      Bruce Hutchison      Reading Skill Four : Guessing the Meaning of Unfamiliar      Vocabulary from Word-formation      Clues (stems, prefixes, and suffixes):      Part One    Lesson Nine  Two Truths to Live By      Alexander M. Schindler      Supplementary Reading Four      A Simple Truth about Happiness      Dennis PragerSection Two English and Chinese Classics  Unit 5 English Essays    Lesson Ten  Text 1 Of Beauty      Francis Bacon      Text 2 Of Studies      Francis Bacon      Reading Skill Five: Guessing the Meaning of Unfamiliar      Vocabulary from Word-formation Clues      (stems, prefixes, and suffixes): Part Two    Lesson Eleven  The Acorn-Gatherer      Richard Jefferics      Supplementary Reading Five      French and English      G. K. Chesterton  Unit 6 English Poems    Lesson Twelve  Poem 1 Sonnet 18      William Shakespeare      Poem 2  Song to Celia      Ben Johnson      Poem 3  A Red, Red Rose      Robert Burns      Reading Skill Six: Poem Appreciation      Supplementary Reading Six      Poem 1  Counsel to Girls      Robert Herrick      Poem 2  The Tyger      William Bloke      Poem 3  Daffodils      William Wordsworth  Unit 7 English Fictions    Lesson Thirteen   The Signalman      Charles Dickens      Reading Skill Seven: Sentence Study (Part 1): Comprehension      of a Sentence by Reading It in      Thought Groups    Lesson Fourteen   The Horse Dealer's Daughter      D. H. Lawrence    Lesson Fifteen  Jane Eyre (Chapter Eight, Volume Two)      Charlotte Bronte      Supplementary Reading Seven      Kew Gardens (Chapter 57)      Virginia Woolf  Unit 8 Fine Works by Chinese    Lesson Sixteen  The Religion of Good Citizenship      Gu Hongming      Reading Skill Eight: Sentence Study (Part 2): Comprehension      of a Sentence by Structural Analysis    Lesson Seventeen  Farewell, Old Curiosity Shop      Yiao Qian      Appendix  Keys for Reference


  Eificient reading requires the use of various problem-solving skills. For example,it is impossible for you to know the exact meaning of every word you read. but bv developing your guessing ability following context clues,you will often be able to understand enough to arrive at the total meaning of a sentence,paragraph,or essay.  Context refers to the sentence and paragraph in which a word occurs. To use context clues to get an approximate estimate of the meaning of unfamiliar words is one of the most important reading skills language learners are about to develop.  Context clues Can be used to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words owing to the fact that a text is not a mere cluster of words or sentences that are not interrelated. Quite to the contrary,it must have certain features,including unity and cohesion to qualified as a text.





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