
出版時間:2010-2  出版社:石油大學  作者:祁大晟  頁數(shù):95  




COURSE INTRODUCTION1. Why This Course?2. The Main Aim of This Course3. The Main'Contents of This Course4. Why Learn Communication rather than just English?5. Strategy6. Methodology7. How Should You Learn in This Course?CHAPTER 1 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC WRITING IN GENERAL1.1 Language and Style1.2 Jargon1.3 Abbreviations and Acronyms1.4 First Person or Third Person1.5 Non-Discrimination Language1.6 Transition Signals in Technical Writing1.7 Punctuations1.8 Learning from Model ArticlesReservoir HeterogeneityCHAPTER 2 REPORT WRITING2.1 The Basic Structure of a Report2.2 Analyse and Plan Your Task2.3 Preparation2.4 Length of Text2.5 Economy of Words2.6 Choice of Words2.7 Choice of Verbs2.8 Choice of Pronouns2.9 Use of Grammar and Spelling2.10 Graphical Communication2.11 Orchestration2.12 Lay Out2.13 Some Specially Important Sections of Your Report Writing2.14 Learning from Model ArticlesGas and Condensate ReservoirsCHAPTER 3 SOME PRACTICAL TIPS OF TRANSLATING A CHINESE TECHNICAL REPORTPAPER INTO ENGLISH3.1 Before Translation3.2 Start Translation3.3 Some Special Issues in Translation3.4 Some Easy Confusion Words3.5 After Translation3.6 Translate Paragraphs into Professional EnglishCHAPTER 4 TRANSLATION FROM ENGLISH TO CHINESE IN SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY4.1 翻譯的目的4.2翻譯的基本理論4.3翻譯的方法與技巧4.4科技英語的特點與翻譯方法4.5 Translate Articles into Professional ChineseStrategies of Health,Safety and EnvironmentIntegrating Exploration and Development TechnologyCHAPTER 5 A BRIEF GUIDE FOR RESEARCH PROPOSALS5.1 Aim5.2 Originality5.3 Literature Review5.4 Theoretical Orientation5.5 Methodology5.6 Research Program Timetable5.7 References5.8 Learning from Model ArticlesReservoir Production MechanismsWater DriveCHAPTER 6 ACADEMIC PAPER WRITING6.1 Introduction6.2 讀者需要什么6.3 The Basic Structure of a Paper6.4 Some Practical Wording Skills6.5 要點小結6.6 A Complete Example for Abstract;Introduction and Conclusion6.7 Learning from Model ArticlesWell ControlCHAPTER 7 ACADEMIC PAPER SUBMITTING7.1 Matching Your Paper with Right Journal7.2 Examining Procedure and Publication7.3 How to Satisfy Your Viewers?7.4 An Examining Sheet from an European Journal7.5 Learning from Model ArticlesCementationRunning Intermediate Casing and Drilling to Final DepthCHAPTER 8 TECHNICALSC/IENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS8.1 Introduction8.2 Preparing a Presentation8.3 Giving a Presentation8.4 Discussion Skills8.5 Learning from Model ArticlesWell StimulationCause of Sand ProductionCHAPTER 9 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND THESIS WRITING FOR POSTGRADUATES9.1關于研究9.2如何選題與開題9.3 課題研究的總體思路9.4 理工科學生出國讀博須具備的四項基本能力9.5 關于論文寫作9.6 Learning from Model ArticlesWell Logging and Well CompletionSetting Production Casing and PerforatingInstalling Christmas TreeAPPENDIXA.Paper Writing and Presentation AssignmentB.Speed-Reading in BusinessC.My Viewpoint for Chinese EnglishREFERENCES



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