
出版時間:2008-9  出版社:北京郵電大學出版社  作者:辜小兵,付穎穎 編  頁數(shù):101  




Part I Measuring Instruments and UsageLesson 1 The Use of Ammeters and VoltmetersSection 1 DisplaySection 2 VohmetersSection 3 AmmetersLesson 2 Using A MultimeterSection 1 Choosing A MuhimeterSection 2 Measuring Voltage and Current with A MultimeterSection 3 Measuring Resistance with A Muhimeterlesson 3 Signal GeneratorSection 1 Introduction to Signal GeneratorSection 2 Function Generator SpecificationsLesson 4 OscilloscopeSection 1 The Use of OscilloscopeSection 2 Using an OsilloscopeSection 3 Measuring A Simple SignalPart II Electrician BasisLesson 1 The Basic Knowledge of CircuitSection 1 Circuit and The Basic Physical QuantitiesSection 2 Circuit ComponentsSection 3 The Law of Resistance and Ohm’S lawSection 4 Electric Work and Electric PclwerLesson 2 DC CircuitSection 1 Series and Parallel ConnectionsSection 2 Kirchhoffs Law and Its ApplicationSection 3 The Battery ConnectionsSection 4 Calculation of Potential and Bridge CircuitLesson 3 Magnetic FieldSection 1 Magnetic Effect of Electric Current and Its Physical QuantitiesSection 2 Force Due to Magnetic Field on Current·Carrying Wire and Moving ChargeLesson 4 Electromagnetic InductionSection 1 The Phenomena of Electromagnetic InductionSection 2 Lorenz Force LaWSection 3 The Other Phenomena of Electromagnetic InductionLesson 5 CapacitorSection 1 Capacitor and CapacitanceSection 2 The Series and Parallel of CapacitorsSection 3 The Charge and Discharge of CapacitorsLesson 6 Sine AC and Three-phase AC CircuitSection 1 Sine ACSection 2 The Sine AC Circuit of Single ParameterSection 3 The Series Resonant CircuitSection 4 Three-phase AC Power SourcePart Ⅲ Electronic Technology BasedLesson 1 Circuit Components and SymbolsSection 1 Output DevicesSection 2 Resistor,Capacitor,Diode,TransistorLesson 2 PN Junction and DiodeSection 1 PN JunctionSection 2 Diode and Its CharacteristicsSection 3 Soldering and Testing DiodesLesson 3 TransistorSection l Introduction to TmnsistorSection 2 Types of TransistorSection 3 The Detection and Welding of TransistorLesson 4 AmnlifierSection 1 Introduction to The Enlarge CircuitSection 2 The Composition of AmplifierSection 3 The Principles of AmplifierLesson 5 DC Amplifier&Integrated Operational AmplifierSection 1 DC AmplifierSection 2 The Integrated Operational AmplifierSection 3 The Role of The Integrated Operational AmplifierLesson 6 logicSection 1 Introduction to Logic GateSection 2 The Basic Logic GateSection 3 Representations of The Logic CircuitSection 4 The Combination of Logic GateSection 5 Using of The Gate CircuitsExercise 1Exercise 2電工電子常用專用名詞和短語參考譯文



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