
出版時間:2008-10  出版社:北京郵電大學(xué)出版社  作者:唐英  頁數(shù):276  


本書是作者根據(jù)多年來開展雙語教學(xué)所積累的經(jīng)驗(yàn)和我國工科大學(xué)物理雙語教學(xué)實(shí)踐需要編著的,目的是為學(xué)生提供一本便于使用的大學(xué)物理學(xué)英文版學(xué)習(xí)指導(dǎo)書,以取得良好的雙語教學(xué)效果。全書共30章,其內(nèi)容編排順序與北京郵電大學(xué)出版社2007年2月出版的《大學(xué)物理學(xué)》(英文版)上、下冊完全相同,便于讀者將本學(xué)習(xí)指導(dǎo)書與相應(yīng)教材配套使用。書中對工科大學(xué)物理學(xué)各部分內(nèi)容的重點(diǎn)和難點(diǎn)進(jìn)行了詳細(xì)解說,精選了國內(nèi)外教材中的一些典型例題,收集了大量練習(xí)題,設(shè)計了多套全真模擬試題,既便于教師開展大學(xué)物理雙語教學(xué),又便于學(xué)生鞏固學(xué)習(xí)效果。    本書作為高等工科院校及理科非物理專業(yè)的大學(xué)物理雙語教學(xué)課程的課外參考書,有利于幫助學(xué)生更好地理解雙語教學(xué)的基本內(nèi)容和學(xué)習(xí)重點(diǎn)、難點(diǎn),對從事大學(xué)物理教學(xué)的教師和物理學(xué)專業(yè)的學(xué)生也具有較大的參考價值。本書內(nèi)容全面、系統(tǒng),包括了大學(xué)物理教學(xué)的主要內(nèi)容及教學(xué)的主要構(gòu)成元素:原理、例題、習(xí)題、解答、模擬考題等,因此既可以作為學(xué)習(xí)指導(dǎo)書與原教材配套使用,也可以作為一本大學(xué)物理雙語教學(xué)的簡明教程獨(dú)立使用,以滿足不同層次、不同學(xué)時的大學(xué)物理學(xué)雙語教學(xué)的要求。


Chapter 1  Kinematics  1-1  Core Material and Study Guide  1-2  Problem-Solving Tactics  1-3  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 2  Force and Motion  2-1  Core Material and Study Guide  2-2  Problem-Solving Tactics  2-3  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 3  Work and Energy  3-1  Core Material and Study Guide  3-2  Problem-Solving Tactics  3-3  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 4  Linear Momentum and Collisions  4-1  Core Material and Study Guide  4-2  Problem-Solving Tactics  4-3  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 5  Rotations of Rigid Body  5-1  Core Material and Study Guide  5-2  Problem-Solving Tactics  5-3  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 6  Special Relativity  6-1  Core Material and Study Guide  6-2  Physics in Practice  6-3  Problem-Solving Tactics  6-4  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 7  The Kinematic Theory of Gasses  7-1  Core Material and Study Guide  7-2  Problem-Solving Tactics  7-3  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 8  The First Law of Thermodynamics  8-1  Core Material and Study Guide  8-2  Problem-Solving Tactics  8-3  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 9  The Second Law of Thermodynamics  9-1  Core Material and Study Guide  9-2  Problem-Solving Tactics  9-3  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 10  Oscillations  10-1  Core Material and Study Guide  10-2  Problem-Solving Tactics  10-3  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 11  Waves  11-1  Core Material and Study Guide  11-2  Problem-Solving Tactics  11-3  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 12  Interference  12-1  Core Material and Study Guide  12-2  Physics in Practice  12-3  Problem-Solving Tactics  12-4  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 13  Diffraction  13-1  Core Material and Study Guide  13-2  Physics in Practice  13-3  Problem-Solving Tactics  13-4  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 14  Polarization  14-1  Core Material and Study Guide  14-2  Physics in Practice  14-3  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 15  Electric Charge  15-1  Core Material and Study Guide  15-2  Problem-Solving Tactics  15-3  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 16  Electric Field  16-1  Core Material and Study Guide  16-2  Problem-Solving Tactics  16-3  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 17  Gauss' Law  17-1  Core Material and Study Guide  17-2  Problem-Solving Tactics  17-3  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 18  Electric Potential  18-1  Core Material and Study Guide  18-2  Problem-Solving Tactics  18-3  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 19  Capacitors and Dielectrics  19-1  Core Material and Study Guide  19-2  Problem-Solving Tactics  19-3  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 20  Magnetic Field  20-1  Core Material and Study Guide  20-2  Problem-Solving Tactics  20-3  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 21  Magnetic Fields Due to Currents  21-1  Core Material and Study Guide  21-2  Problem-Solving Tactics  21-3  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 22  Magnetism of Matter  22-1  Core Material and Study Guide  22-2  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 23  Electromagnetic Induction  23-1  Core Material and Study Guide  23-2  Problem-Solving Tactics  23-3  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 24  Maxwell' s Equations and Electromagnetic Waves  24-1  Core Material and Study Guide  24-2  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 25  Wave - Particle Duality  25-1  Core Material and Study Guide  25-2  Further Understanding  25-3  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 26  Matter Waves  26-1  Core Material and Study Guide  26-2  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 27  Electrons in Atoms  27-1  Core Material and Study Guide  27-2  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 28  Electrons in Solids  28-1  Core Material and Study Guide  28-2  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 29  Nudear Physics  29-1  Core Material and Study Guide  29-2  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsChapter 30  Elementary Particles  30-1  Core Material and Study Guide  30-2  Further Understanding  30-3  Typical Samples  Supplementary ProblemsTest OneTest TwoTest ThreeTest FourAnswers to Test OneAnswers to Test TwoAnswers to Test ThreeAnswers to Test FourAnswers to Supplementary Problems



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