出版時間:2005-12 出版社:北京郵電大學(xué)出版社 作者:徐秀蘭 頁數(shù):323
《計算機與通信專業(yè)英語(修訂第4版)》主要取材于兩個世紀之交國外發(fā)表的近40種最新材料。內(nèi)容廣泛,語言現(xiàn)象豐富。所選內(nèi)容既有基礎(chǔ)理論,又盡量跟蹤最近兩三年內(nèi)公眾關(guān)心的熱點與新技術(shù)。教材內(nèi)容基本能覆蓋計算機、通信這兩個專業(yè)常用的技術(shù)詞匯、詞組及常見的科技語法?! 队嬎銠C與通信專業(yè)英語(修訂第4版)》在本次改編中,對全書作了一些重要的改進,即:大量增加了習(xí)題的類型和份量,目的是力圖幫助各個層面的讀者在學(xué)完課文之后都能有較大的提高(所有習(xí)題均附有解答)。因此,本收除可作為計算機與通信兩個專業(yè)學(xué)生的英語教材外,也可供其他工程專業(yè)作為專業(yè)英語教材或參考書,更有利于從事計算機、通信、信息等工作的技術(shù)人員的自學(xué)?! ∫蝗缂韧?,本次教材的編寫除對于所選專題的正文給出中分參考譯文,列出較多的關(guān)鍵字,對于某些較難的語法現(xiàn)象,給出相應(yīng)的參考譯文注釋并對語法現(xiàn)象予以分析之外,在本收的最后還附有生詞表,以供讀者快速查閱。
UNIT 1 A New Computing Model--Pervasive Ubiquitous Computing 1-1 What Is Pervasive Computing 1-2 Challenges to Pervasive Computing 1-3 Turn Pervasive Computing into Mediated Spaces Reading Material: Smart Spaces and Hardware Prototypes ExercisesUNIT 2 Computer Systems 2-1 Why Should People Care of a Computer System 2-2 What Should People Do with a Computer System 2-3 Designing for Performance 2-4 Pentium and PowerPC Evolution ExercisesUNIT 3 Design Technologies of CPU 3-1 The Complex Instruction Set Computer--CISC 3-2 Definition of Reduced Instruction Set Computer---RISC 3-3 VLIW Microprocessors ExercisesUNIT4 Operating System 4-1 What Is an Operating System? 4-2 Operating System Structure 4-3 Windows XP 4-4 Linux Overview ExercisesUNIT5 Programming 5-1 Programming Languages 5-2 The Need for a New Style of Programming 5-3 Visual Programming 5-4 C#:Potent Combo of Java and C++ ExercisesUNIT6 Decision Support Systems 6-1 Introduction to Decision Support 6-2 Data Warehousing 6-3 Data Mining ExercisesUNIT7 Basic Concepts of Pattern Recognition 7-1 Whata Are thr Pattern Recognition and Classification Problems 7-2 Approaches ot Recognition and Classification 7-3 Features and their Distributions ExercisesUNIT8 Computer Networks 8-1 What Is a Network? 8-2 The Major Types of Networks 8-3 Network Protocols 8-4 IPv6 Overview ExercisesUNIT9 Network Security 9-1 Where Do Security Threats Come from? 9-2 Encryption Methods 9-3 Access Control 9-4 Firewalls:Internet Security ExercisesUNIT10 Grid Computing 10-1 What Is Grid Computing? 10-2 Why IS Grid Computing Important? 10-3 What Are the Key Components ot Grid Computing? 10-4 What Standards Are Associated with Grid Computing? ExercisesUNIT11 MultimediaUNIT12 Digital Sound TechnologyUNIT13 Image ProcessingUNIT14 Broadband ISDN and ATMUNIT15 Optical Fiber CommunicationsUNIT16 Mobile Wireless Personal COMMunicationsUNIT17 Access Network(Subscriber Loop)TechnologiesUNIT18 New Computing Types in the FutureAnswer/習(xí)題解答Translations for Texts(Partial)/參考譯文(部分)List of New Words/詞匯表Bibliography/參考文獻