
出版時間:2002-8  出版社:北郵  作者:陳淑華,應婭舒,羅雨青 編著  頁數(shù):272  字數(shù):436000  




Unit 1   English and Its Morphology  Text:Enlarge Your Vocabulary Smartly  Supplementary Texts   Passage One:Sorting the Vocabulary   Passage Twot:Synonym   Passage Three:Lucidity,simplicity,Euphony  Exerxises  Word formation,Passive voice,Syntax,ParticlesUnit 2   People Language and Culture  Text:Liberty,True or classic  Supplementary Texts   Passage One:English as a Language    Passage Two:General Character of English   Passage Three:What does a Name Tell?  Exerxises   Attibutive,synonoymyUnit 3   Materials and Substances  Text:Nanophase Materials   Supplementary Texts   Passage One:Other Custom Properties of Nanophase materials   Passage Two:metals and Ores    Passage Three:Synthetic Products  Excises  PrePositional Phrase,Syntactic elements,Tense and Aspect,simileUnit 4   Bio-logies  Text:What is biochemistry and Molecular Genetics?  Supplementary Texts   Passage One:Progress in Biotech   Passage Two:Diseases and Treatments   Passage Three:The pace of Molecular discoveries  Exercises  English Idioms ,English Tenses and Voices,Transition and SubordinationUnit 5   Market and EconomyUnit 6   Finance Trade and EconomyUnit 7   Enterprise Management and CultureUnit 8   Human Feelings and EthicsUnit 9   Beliefs and CustomUnit 10  Scientific Leaps in the 20th CenturyUnit 11  Information TechnologyUnit 12  Literature Works and Schools     Index 1 英語常用詞根,前綴和后綴一覽表Index 2 英語的動詞和結構詞



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