出版時間:2010-11 出版社:延邊大學 作者:英語編委會 編 頁數(shù):255
《高中英語易混詞一本全》是一本專供高中學生、教師以及廣大英語學習者使用的教輔類工具書,緊扣《英語課程標準》和《高考英語考試大綱》與人教版的教材,廣泛收集并系統(tǒng)整理了高中階段學生在英語學習、考試中經(jīng)常遇到的易混詞(組),并對其進行了詳盡的剖析。為了讓讀者們更好地掌握這些易混詞,我們在本書中加入了英英解釋。本書體例如下: 英語解釋 通過閱讀單詞的英語解釋,學生們可以更好地理解每個單詞的含義?! ≡~語辨析 針對易混詞的相同點對其進行深刻的剖析,通俗易懂,言簡意賅。 典型例句 例句內(nèi)容豐富,具有典型性,學生們可通過這些例句體會到易混詞的差別。
A1.a bit, a little2.a moment, the moment, at the moment3.a most, the most4.a number of,the number of5.about, on6.above, beyond7.above, over, on8.accept, receive, take9.ache, pain10.act, action11.actually, truly, practically, in fact12.adapt,adopti3.advancement, advance14.afraid, frightened, terrified15.after all,above all,first of all,in all16.after,in17.ago,before18.aid,help,assist19.alliance, league, union20.alter, change21.amaze, surprise, astonish22.animal, beast, creature23.anyone, any one, anybody24.agree to, agree with, agree on/about25.all, each, every26.alive, living, live, lively27.all together, altoghter28.allow, permit29.alone, lonely30.aloud, loud, loudly31.already, still, yet32.also, as well, too, either33.although, though34.amount, number35.announce, declare36.answer, reply, respond37.anxious, eager38.appear,seem,look39.appreciate, enjoy40.argue, debate, discuss, dispute quarrel41.army,troops,force42.arrive,reach,get to43.as, like44.at a time, at one time, at all times, at times45.as many as, as much as46.at the point of,to the point47.at present, for the present, now48.at the back of,in the back ofB49.ban, forbid, prohibit50.be afraid to do sth., be afraid of doing sth51.be angry with, be angry at, be angry about52.be busy with, be busy doing53.be familiar with,be familiar to54.be going to, be about to, be to, will55.beat, hit, strike, defeat, win, knock56.beautiful, handsome, pretty57.because, as, since, for, because of58.become, get, turn59.before long, long before60.begin, start61.believe, believe in, trust62.between, among63.big, large, great64.bloom, blossom65.body, figure66.borrow, lend, keep67.break down, break in, break into, break off, break out, break up68.broad, wide69.build, put up, set up, found, establish70.but, while, however71.buy, purchaseC72.call in,call on,call at,call for,call up73.calm, quiet, still, silent74.can, be able to75.can't help doing sth., can't help to do sth76.cancel, abolish77.change,alter,vary,modify78.care about,care for,take care of79.catch, catch up with80.centre, middle81.certain, sure82.chance, opportunity, occasion83.cheat, deceive84.chilly, cool85.choose, select, elect, pick86.class, lesson, course87.clay, earth, soil, mud88.climate, weather……
名師主理 直擊高考 定位準確 權威實用 覆蓋全面從語音到語法,從詞到句法到句型?! 《ㄎ粶蚀_直面中考,涵蓋中考的所有考點、重點、難點?! 嗤嵱靡痪€教師精心打造,精英編輯瀝血之作?! ±C豐富初中生遇到的英語問題在《高中英語易混詞一本全(雙色)》中都可以找到滿意的解答。