
出版時間:2010-5  出版社:延邊大學出版社  作者:劉宗寅 編  頁數:126  




第一章  備考攻略(001)第二章  強化訓練與水平測試 Unit 1  Unit 2  Unit 3  Unit 4  Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 ……第三章 預測試題


  The China Railway Group has the contract to carry out a study that will link Phnom Penh(金邊) with Snoul near this countrys western border with Vietnam. This 255 kilometer stretch will complete the Singapore-to-Kun-ming line, a railway connecting southeast Asia to the heart of China.  Paul Power, an advisor to the Cambodian government says, "It makes Cambodia the center of transportation between China and Singapore and you would have a port link, you would have a link to Thailand, youll have a link through to Vietnam and the results for that, for Cambodia in the region, are that Cambodia becomes the center. "  He says freight(貨運 ) will provide the greatest economic benefits, particularly for shipping goods like rice. The railway will be a cheaper alternative to ships and trucks. However, the contractors first must deal with the issue of resettling people living along the route. In Cambodia, poor landholders often are pushed out with little compensation( 補償) to make way for commercial developments, causing considerable public anger. If the resettlement issues are resolved quickly then authorities hope the first passengers from Singapore to China and beyond as far as London, will start boarding within the next two years.


  《科力英語系列》的封面非常簡潔大方,讓我們愛不釋手,非常符合我們高中生的品味。內容很新穎,很多材料都是和時事掛鉤的,難度由易到難,符合我們的學習情況。題量比較大,能夠充分滿足我們的備考需求。而且文章配圖精美,能為我們的學習增添樂趣!  ——學生  《科力英語系列》有一套科學的編寫理念,有練有測,有利于孩子全面系統(tǒng)地學習英語,提高英語成績。另外,這個系列的書性價比很高,題量大,內容豐富,價格又不算高,值得選擇?!  议L  《科力英語系列》由全國著名英語報刊的優(yōu)秀作者聯袂編寫,文章注重原創(chuàng),內容新穎,題材豐富,題量充足,涵蓋面廣,具有很強的權威性、前瞻性和導向性。該系列叢書充分體現新課改理念,以“講、練、測、評”為線索,遵循科學規(guī)律,探幽入微,由淺入深,體例科學完美,形式新穎獨到!  該系列叢書面向全體學生,精心編制,科學實用,尤其是答案解析詳盡,重點短語,長難句單獨提煉成冊,能夠為學生掃清學習障礙,使學生的英語綜合能力得到實質性提高?!  蠋?/pre>



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