柏拉圖著作集 1(英文本)

出版時(shí)間:2008.10  出版社:廣西師范大學(xué)出版社  作者:柏拉圖  頁數(shù):506  譯者:(英)本杰明?喬伊特(Benjamin Jowett )  


這套《柏拉圖著作集》收入本杰明·喬伊特所譯的全部柏拉圖作品,每篇附有喬伊特所作的導(dǎo)讀和分析;另附其他人所譯的《大希庇阿斯》、《第七封信》等,以及英文原版的柏拉圖著作索引。    本杰明·喬伊特(Benjamin Jowett,1817—1893),牛津大學(xué)教授,19世紀(jì)英國杰出的古典學(xué)學(xué)者,以翻譯和研究古希臘哲學(xué)著作知名。喬伊特所譯柏拉圖著作英譯本首次出版于1871年,收錄柏拉圖絕大部分作品,迄今為止是由同一人所譯的篇幅最多、最完整的英譯本。百余年來,該譯本經(jīng)多次再版,廣為傳播,為柏拉圖著作的研究和闡釋作出了歷史性的貢獻(xiàn),至今仍具有獨(dú)特的文學(xué)魅力和學(xué)術(shù)價(jià)值。   此套英文版《柏拉圖著作集》是為適應(yīng)中國讀者閱讀、研究柏拉圖著作的需要而編輯出版的,收錄了本杰明·喬伊特所譯的全部柏拉圖著作,以及喬伊特為每篇作品所撰寫的導(dǎo)讀性文字,共六卷。盡管柏拉圖的著作,尤其是一些名篇,至20世紀(jì)出現(xiàn)了不少優(yōu)秀譯文,但一百余年前喬伊特這套完整的英譯本仍然具有不可替代的地位和價(jià)值。百余年來,該譯本經(jīng)多次再版,廣為傳播,為柏拉圖的研究和闡釋作出了歷史性的貢獻(xiàn),至今仍具有不可替代的文學(xué)魅力和學(xué)術(shù)價(jià)值。 此英譯本在中國國內(nèi)的出版有著重要的學(xué)術(shù)意義,一方面可以澄清以往的中譯本中那些含混不清的譯法或者誤譯、漏譯的地方,另一方面可以為讀者提供不同的闡釋,以供對(duì)照,這對(duì)于像柏拉圖這樣重要的哲學(xué)家而言是非常必要的。 本書為該套文集之第一卷。


  本杰明·喬伊特(Benjamin Jowett,1817-1893),牛津大學(xué)教授,19世紀(jì)英國杰出的古典學(xué)學(xué)者,以翻譯和研究古希臘哲學(xué)著作知名。喬伊特所譯柏拉圖著作英譯本首次出版于1871年,收錄柏拉圖絕大部分作品,迄今為止是由同一人所譯的篇幅最多、最完整的英譯本。百余年來,該譯本經(jīng)多次再版,廣為傳播,為柏拉圖著作的研究和闡釋作出了歷史性的貢獻(xiàn),至今仍具有獨(dú)特的文學(xué)魅力和學(xué)術(shù)價(jià)值。


Introduction CharmidesIntroduction LysisIntroduction LachesIntroduction  IonIntroduction  ProtagorasIntroduction  EuthydemusIntroduction  MenoIntroductionAppendix  IntroductionGreater HippiasIndex


  And now, after making all these concessions, which are really inadmissible, we are still as far as ever from ascertaining the nature of temperance, which Charmides has already discovered, and had therefore better rest in the knowledge that the more temperate he is the happier he will be, and not trouble himself with the speculations of Socrates. In this Dialogue may be noted (1) The Greek ideal of beauty and goodness, the vision of the fair soul in the fair body, realised in the beautiful Charmides;(2) The true conception of medicine as a science of the whole as well as the parts, and of the mind as well as the body, which is playfully intimated in the story of the Thracian; (3) The tendency of the age to verbal distinctions, which here, as in the Protagoras and Cratylus, are ascribed to the ingenuity of Prodicus; and to interpretations or rather parodies of Homer or Hesiod, which are eminently characteristic of Plato and his contemporaries; (4) The germ of an ethical principle contained in the notion that temperance is doing ones own business, which in the Republic (such is the shifting character of the Platonic philosophy) is given as the definition, not of temperance, but of justice;(5) The impatience which is exhibited by Socrates of any definition of temperance in which an element of science or knowledge is not included; (6) The beginning of metaphysics and logic implied in the two questions: whether there can be a science of science, and whether the knowledge of what you know is the same as the knowledge of what you do not know; and also in the distinction between what you know and that you know, (a oioev and oioev) here too is the first conception of an absolute self-determined science (the claims of which, however, are disputed by Socrates, who asks cui bono?) as well as the first suggestion of the difficulty of the abstract and concrete, and one of the earliest anticipations of the relation of subject and object, and of the subjective element in knowledge a rich banquet of metaphysical questions in which we taste of many things. (7) And still the mind of Plato, having snatched for a moment at these shadows of the future, quickly rejects them: thus early has he reached the conclusion that there can be no science which is a science of nothing (Parmen. 132 b). (8) The conception of a science of good and evil also first occurs here, an anticipation of the Philebus and Republic as well as of moral philosophy in later ages.




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用戶評(píng)論 (總計(jì)28條)


  •   讀英文原版的柏拉圖, 算是智力和精神的挑戰(zhàn),不知何時(shí)能讀完。
  •   一部有影響的英譯本。
  •   看過一些翻譯書,很多地方莫名其妙,現(xiàn)在看看其他譯本,也是一種享受
  •   能出一套英文版的全集不容易,就是導(dǎo)讀字太小了,不過價(jià)格合理,必須收藏。
  •   買英文版是因?yàn)榭戳送踟?cái)貴教授的書,說外語要讀原版的,所以給寶寶囤書
  •   純英文,樸實(shí)厚重,看起來很有古典感。
  •   還沒看,很實(shí)惠。最好買本西方哲學(xué)辭典,英文術(shù)語有時(shí)很費(fèi)解,必須借助于辭典。
  •   翻了翻,字有點(diǎn)小了。不過這個(gè)價(jià)格嘛,太值得了。
  •   很好 慢慢看
  •   沒想到這么快就來了??!書不錯(cuò),翻了翻也沒有什么印的不清楚的地方,就是有好多不認(rèn)識(shí)的單詞…
  •   多年前就想買啦!之前看的翻譯本,簡直是天書呢!記得《注疏》本挺好的,小朝兄翻譯的質(zhì)量一直都一般啊。痛苦。正好有這個(gè)機(jī)會(huì)慢慢看吧
  •   簡單大氣。喜歡廣西師大出的書。文字樸素。
  •   印刷清晰,方便閱讀
  •   做活動(dòng)買的,絕對(duì)的物超所值
  •   該書定價(jià)雖高,但打折扣價(jià)格較為適中!
  •   很滿意,書質(zhì)量很好,送貨速度快。
  •   廣西師大這套英文版柏拉圖著作集共6冊(cè),其中5種參加當(dāng)當(dāng)折上對(duì)半砍活動(dòng),當(dāng)時(shí)毫不猶豫就買下了。主要是太便宜了。幸好下手快,現(xiàn)在又沒參加活動(dòng)了,而且有的缺貨了。不過,如果講書的用紙印制質(zhì)量的話,不是很好的,看起來就象是盜版的。不知道當(dāng)當(dāng)給的是正版還是盜版?當(dāng)當(dāng)應(yīng)該能保證正版吧?也許正版就是這樣的吧?其中第3冊(cè)沒參加活動(dòng)的是柏拉圖的《理想國》,這種在中國社會(huì)科學(xué)出版社的西學(xué)基本經(jīng)典里有,以前看到《讀書》上的廣告特價(jià),全套也就一千多塊錢,全買了。
  •   全英文的,如果給目錄加中文翻譯就更好了。
  •   英文書慢慢看
  •   英文不好,不建議購買
  •   譯文是百年前的,經(jīng)過了時(shí)間的檢驗(yàn)。
  •   大哲學(xué)家的智慧可以分享!
  •   本以為是本很難理解的書,沒想到四級(jí)沒過也能勉強(qiáng)看懂
  •   還可以,書膠有點(diǎn)不牢
  •   搞活動(dòng),特價(jià)買的,性價(jià)比高,收藏
  •   上次買了第三冊(cè),還不錯(cuò),正在補(bǔ)全
  •   本書設(shè)計(jì)質(zhì)量差。封面上除了燙金的《柏拉圖著作集Plato》較為清楚外,其余都看不清楚。封面勒口和封底勒口上字跡也不清楚。正文應(yīng)該是翻印英文版原書,可惜版芯比例不符合黃金比例??傊?,看起來不舒服。只是在活動(dòng)期,價(jià)格十分便宜,也就將就了。
  •   搞活動(dòng)居然不是六本都搞,閃了一本。

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評(píng)論、評(píng)分,PDF格式免費(fèi)下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機(jī)版
