
出版時間:2012-2  出版社:大連海事大學出版社  作者:洪碧光,楊林家  頁數(shù):225  


  This book focuses on the ship handling principle and technology in seven chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the summary of ship maneuverability, ship mathematic model, ship resistance and propulsion. Chapter 2 explains ship maneuverability, inherent dynamic stability and coursekeeping ability, the performance of course changing ability, ship maneuverability and the performance of ship speed changing, etc. Chapter 3 introduces the principle and operation of the marine propeller, rudder, thruster and tug. Chapter 4 introduces the effect of wind, current and restricted waters on ship' s maneuverability. Chapter 5 shows how to handle a ship for anchoring or berthing in harbor. Chapter 6 introduces the motion characteristics and maneuverability of ship in high wave. Chapter 7 introduces special and emergency ship maneuvering.  This book is to be used as a textbook for the course of ship handling in Dalian Maritime University. It can also be used by navigator as a general reference book, in order to obtain a better understanding of the ship handling principle and technology.


Chapter 1 Introduction of Ship Handling1.1 Basic Outline of Ship Maneuverability1.2 Ship Mathematic Model and Simulation1.3 Ship Resistance and PropulsionChapter 2 Ship Maneuverability2.1 Introduction of Ship Maneuverability2.2 Inherent Dynamic Stability and Course-keeping Ability2.3 The Performance of Course-changing Abihty2.4 The Performance of Ship Speed Changing2.5 Ship Manoeuvrability2.6 The Impact on the Ship ParametersChapter 3 Handling Equipment and Its Effects3.1 Marine Propellers3.2 Rudder3.3 Thruster3.4 TugChapter 4 Effect of Navigational Environment4. l Effect of Wind4.2 Effect of Current4.3 Effect of Restricted WatersChapter 5 Ship Handling in Harbor5.1 Circumstance Around and in Harbor5.2 Turning Handle in Harbor5.3 Anchor Handling5.4 Berthing and Unberthing5.5 Instances of Berthing and UnberthingChapter 6 Ship Handling in High Wave6.1 Stability of Ships6.2 Ship Motions in Six Degrees of Freedom6.3 Basic Elements of Waves6.4 Miscellaneous Items Related to Waves6.5 Ship Heading in Head and Bow SeasChapter 7 Special and Emergency Ship Maneuvering7.1 Emergency Measure of Ship Collision7.2 Beaching and Grounding7.3 Navigation in Ice Conditions7.4 Towing7.5 Maritime Search and RescueReferences



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