
出版時間:2011-8  出版社:大連海事大學(xué)出版社  作者:羅衛(wèi)華,張樹學(xué) 編  頁數(shù):128  




1 A Brand New Start Page 1~16Task 1 DialogueRegistration FormsTask 2 PassagesPassage 1 How to Become PopularPassage 2 Univcrsity OrientationPassage 3 Welcome to the School of Marine EngineeringPassage 4 Tips for Adjusting to Univcrsity Lifc2 Learning Languages Can Be Fun Page 17 ~32Task 1 DialogueOn Learning a Foreign LanguagcTask 2 PassagesPassage 1 Deep-Six: It Is Well HiddenPassage 2 Problems Chincsc Stucients Face When they Study in BritainPassage 3 The Origin of Maritimc EnglishPassage 4 How to Bc a Succ:cssful Language Learner3 Great Minds Think Alike Page 33 ~48Task 1 DialoguePeter Atkins on Writing TcxtbooksTask 2 PassagesPassage 1 Food and MusicPassage 2 Mark TwainPassage 3 A Man Who Makcs HistoryPassage 4 Emcrgcncy PA Announccmcnt4 It Never Rains but It Pours Page 49~62Task 1 Dialogue DroughtTask 2 PassagesPassage 1 Talking About WcathcrPassage 2 TyphoonPassage 3 Weathcr ForccastPassage 4 Snowstorms in USA5 All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy Page 63 ~78Task 1 DialogueWhat Kind of Music Do You Likc Bcst?Task 2 PassagesPassage 1 Slumdog MillionairePassage 2 joc MontanaPassage 3 World Maritimc DayPassage 4 Plan a Ski Holiday6 Let's Paint the Town Red Page 79~96Task 1 DialogueWould You Tcll Me Somctliing AboutValcntinc's Day?Task 2 PassagesPassage 1 Chicago Maritime FcstivalPassage 2 Ncw Ycar CelcbrationsPassage 3 Holiday Bazaar 2010Passage 4 Thanksgiving Day7 An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away Page 97~112Task 1 Dialogue1 IIavc Pains Arouncl the AbdomcnTask 2 PassagesPassage 1 Fast Food ObesitvPassage 2 Food and WatchkeepingPassage 3 An Introciuction Spccch for an Expcrt on HcalthPassage 4 Amcric-an Fooci8 A Mouse in Hand,a World in Mind Page 113 ~128Task 1 DialogueTalking About Computcrs and SccurityTask 2 PassagesPassage 1 How is the Intcrnct Proviclccl on Ship?Passage 2 MIT Opcn CourseWarcPassage 3 Navy Education--Onlinc Collcgc Dcgrccs anclDiplomasPassage 4 Facebook Rcaches 500 Million Uscrs


  1. Accorcling to the passagc, why do Chincsc studcnt.s havc difricultics in undcrstanding English spccch?  A) Because they have little chance to hcar authentic English speech.  B) Because they havc limited vocabulary.  C) Because they find it hard to pronounce English words correctly.  D) Becausc they are especially wcak in listening and speaking.  2. What's not the possible rcason for Chincsc students' difficulty in undcrstanding English pcoplc?  A) They speak very quickly.  B) They speak with differcnt accents.  C) They don't speak clearly.  D) They use different styles of speech.  3. What is not the spcakcr's aclvicc to studcnts who havc difficultics in undcrstanding natiwc spcakcrs?  A) Attend English classes.  B) Use a language lab as much as possible.  C) Listen to programs in English on the radio and TV.  D) Translatc everything you hear into your mother tongue.  4. Accorciing to the passagc, how can forcign studcnts learn to spcak English flucntly?  A) Simplify what he wants to say.  B) Try to think in English.  C) Use a language laboratory and listen to English as much as possible.  D) All of the abovc.  5. What's the main idca of this passagc?  A) All problems Chinesc students face whcn they study abroad.  B) Language problems that Chinese students face in Britain.  C) It is essential for foreign students to gct used to a variety of English accents.  D) Cultural problems are not too difficult to solve bccause they are practical in nature.  ……



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