出版時間:2007-8 出版社:大連海事大學(xué)出版社 作者:施祝威 頁數(shù):372
Part One ReadingLesson One Iron and SteelReading Material Metal TerminologyLesson Two Heat Treatment of SteelReading Material FrictionLesson Three Transmission (Mechanics)Reading Material The ForceLesson Four BearingsReading Material ShaftLemon Five TorqueReading Material Engine LubricationLemon Six HorsepowerReading Material PowerLesson Seven Heat TransferReading Material Basics of Heat TransferLesson Eight Diesel Fuel HandlingReading Material Fuel Oil FeaturesLesson Nine Electric Basic KnowledgeReading Material Basic Semiconductor Crystal StructureLesson Ten Different Types of Marline EngineReading Material RND -M Sulzer Diesel EngineLesson Eleven The Ship Propulsion PlantReading Material Side ThrustersLesson Twelve Diesel Engine Construction(I)Reading Material New MAN B&W SSOME-B Diesel Engine ProgrammeLesson Thirteen Diesel Engine Construction (H)Reading Material Launch of the Engine Management ConceptLesson Fourteen How Does a Marine Diesel Engine Work?Reading Material The Operational Principle of a Four Stroke Diesel EngineLesson Fifteen Fuel Oil SystemReading Material Fuel Oil and Fuel SystemLesson Sixteen Supercharging and ScavengingReading Material SuperchargingLesson Seventeen Cooling SystemReading Material Cooling SystemLesson Eighteen Lubricating SystemReading Material Lubricating SystemLesson Nineteen Starting Control SystemReading Material Starting Air SystemLesson Twenty Reversing ManoeuvreReading Material Starting and ReversingLesson Twenty One The GovernorRaeding Material Medium and High Speed EnginesLesson Twenty Two The Preparation for Stand-byReading Material Maintenance and OverhaulingLesson Twenty Three Operating Troubles and Their RemediesReading Material Maintenance Schedule of Marine Diesel EngineLesson Twenty Four The Type of Marine Auxiliary BoilersReading Material Boiler Operating ProceduresLesson Twenty Five Marine Auxiliary Boiler ConstructionReading Material Boiler ManagementLesson Twenty Six The Type of Marine PumpsReading Material The Principles for the Construction of Pipes,Valves, Fittings and PumpsLesson Twenty Seven Marine PumpsReading Material Maintenance and Overhaul of Centrifgal PumpsLesson Twenty Eight Marine RefrigerationReading Material Maintenance of Refrigeration PlantsLesson Twenty Nine Marine Air Conditioning SystemReading Material General Operation of the Air Conditioning InstallationLesson Thirty Oil/Water SeparatorsReading Material Alfa Laval Ecostream Bilge Water Treatment SystemLesson Thirty One Sewage TreatmentReading Material (A) Biological Sewage Treatment(B) Domestic Water SystemLesson Thirty Two IncineratorReading Material Preparation for IncinerationLesson Thirty Three Marine Oil SeparatorsReading Material The Operation and Maintenance of CentrifugeLesson Thirty Four Fresh Water GeneratorReading Material The Operation and Maintenance of Fresh Water GeneratorLesson Thirty Five Deck CraneReading Material The Trouble Shooting of Deck CraneLesson Thirty Six Anchor Handling Equipment and Mooring EquipmentReading Material The Trouble Shooting of Hydraulic Deck Machinery( I )Lesson Thirty Seven Mooring WinchReading Material The Trouble Shooting of Hydraulic Deck Machinery ( II )Lesson Thirty Eight Hydraulic MotorsReading Material Hydraulic Control ValvesLesson Thirty Nine Air CompressorsReading Material Steering GearLesson Forty Alternating Current GeneratorReading Material Marine Generator's Troubles and Their RemediesLesson Forty One Generators Parallel Operation and RemovalReading Material Controlling InstrumentsLesson Forty Two The Type and Construction of Marine Main SwitchbordsReading Mrterial Centralized Supervision and Alarm SystemLesson Forty Three Marine Emergency SwitchboardsReading Material Maintenaince of Electrical EquipmentLesson Forty Four Marine Electrical Control DeviceReading Material The Concept of UMS and RequirementsLesson Forty Five Marine MotorsReading Material Motors Operation PrincipleLesson Forty Six WatchkeepingReading Material (A) Terms Relating to the Hull(B) Bilge and Ballast System(C) Domestic Water SystemsLesson Forty Seven Principles to Be Observed in Keeping an Engineering Watch ( I )Reading Material Principles to Be Observed in Keeping an Engineering Watch ( II )Lesson Forty Eight Fire Preventing and Fire-FightingReading Material Engine Room Emergency EquipmentsLesson Forty Nine Ship's SurveyReading Material Engineer Room and Bridge Contact SchemeLesson Fifty Port State ControlReading Material Safety Checklist for Ship on Board MaintenanceLesson Fifty One The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollutionfrom Ships, 1973 and the Protocol of 1978Reading Material Requirement for Control of Operational PollutionLesson Fifty Two International Convention for the Safety Of Life At Sea, 1960 and 1974Reading Materinal Crew's Personal Safety KnowledgeLesson Fifty Three ISM Code( I )Reading Material (A) Performing the Engineering Watch(B) Engineering Watchkeeping Under Different Conditions and Different AreasLesson Fifty Four ISM Code ( 11 )Reading Material United States Coast Guard/Captain of the Port New York Freight Vessel Exam and MonitorLesson Fifty Five A Brief Introduction to the ISPS CodeReading Material International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004GlossaryPart Two WritingLesson One Engine Room LogbookLesson Two Repair ListLesson Three Store Order ListLesson Four Oil Record BookReference