
出版時間:2000-1  出版社:大連海事大學(xué)出版社  作者:王維平  頁數(shù):451  




Unit Ⅰ General Ship's KnowledgeLesson 1 Ship TypesLesson 2 Manning on BoardUnit Ⅱ Ship Structure and EquipmentLesson 3 General Arrangement PlanLesson 4 Ship's MeasurementLesson 5 Bridge EquipmentLesson 6 Life-saving AppliancesLesson 7 Fire-protection and Fire-fighting EquipmentUnit Ⅲ Navigating SafelyLesson 8 Basic Knowledge about NavigationLesson 9 IALA Maritime Buoyage SystemLesson 10 ColregsLesson 11 Navigational Watch at SeaUnit Ⅳ Cargo WorkLesson 12 Basic Knowledge about Cargo WorkLesson 13 Equipment Used to Load and Discharge CargoLesson 14 Preparation of Cargo SpaceLesson 15 Introduction to the IMDG CodeUnit Ⅴ Nautical Publications and CorrespondenceLesson 16 Nautical Chart and Chaa WorkLesson 17 Notices to Mariners and Navigational WarningsLesson 18 LogbookLesson 19 Various NoticesLesson 20 Accident RepotsLesson 21 Basic Knowledge about Marine MeteorologyUnit Ⅵ MeteorologyLesson 22 Weather Routing and Weather MessageLesson 23 Radar and ARPAUnit Ⅶ Nautical Operation ManualsLesson 24 Magnetic Compass and Gyro compassLesson 25 GPS,ECDIS,VDR and AISLesson 26 Repair ListUnit Ⅷ Safety Procedures and Emergency ResponseLesson 27 Basic Knowledge about Emergency ProceduresLesson 28 Fire Prevention and ProtectionLesson 29 Entering Enclosed or Confined SpacesLesson 30 Personal SafetyUnit Ⅸ IMO Conventions and CodesLesson 31 Introduction to IMOLesson 32 Introduction to STCW ConventionLesson 33 Introduction to SOLAS ConventionLesson 34 Introduction to MARPOLLesson 35 Introduction to ISM CodeLesson 36 Introduction to PSCLesson 37 Introduction to ISPS CodeGlossaryReference



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