
出版時間:2010-10  出版社:海洋大學(xué)出版社  作者:祝吉芳  頁數(shù):282  


  The reality of our relative backwardness compels us to import a lot from the Westerncountries. Today we learn English, read books about Warren Edward Buffett, wear nikeshoes, drink Coca-Cola, listen to rap songs, drive Mercedes-Benz, and watchHollywood movies. Our higher education tends to be Westernnized, too- emphasizinganalysis, criticism, logic, and formal approaches to problem-solving. What is tragic isthat in spite of the seemingly prevalent westernization in china Westerners report they feeluncertain and uncomfortable in interacting with Chinese and there has been muchcoverage of communication breakdowns. I am convinced that much of this problem stemsfrom lack of mutual understanding of cultural background knowledge, for in reality thecurrent westernization within China is superficial. It is due to this lack that many of ourgood intentions have been misinterpreted in the intercultural communication.  In writing these pages, I have an ambitious goal. I hope I can display to the readerthat most often the cultural differences are just differences of degree, and thatacknowledging the cultural differences will lead one to re-examine his or her ownculture. For this reason, this book is to focus on cultural comparison and contrast andtries to identify cultural differences as well as reasons behind these explicit or hiddendiscrepancies.


Part Ⅰ East and WestUnit 1 Why Comparing Clunese and Western Cultures?Ⅰ.Ancient Civilizations and Cultures Ⅱ.Cultural Comparative Studies in ChinaⅢ.Imperatives to Compare Chinese and Westem CulturesⅣ.A Note on Some Key Terms Unit 2 Traditional Characteristics of Chinese and Western CulturesⅠ."There Are All Kinds of Birds When a Forest Gets Large" Ⅱ.Traditional Chinese Cultural Characteristics Ⅲ.Traditional Western Cultural CharacteristicsUnit 3 Affinities across CulturesⅠ.An Unexpected AffinityⅡ.Reading for More Cultural AffinitiesⅢ.A Note on Some Key TermsPart Ⅱ Cultural Differences in Silent LanguagesUnit 4 TimeⅠ.Time in China and the West Ⅱ.Two Time ModesⅢ.Past-oriented Societies vs.Future-oriented SocietiesⅣ.Two Time Orientations Ⅰ.Spatial LanguageⅡ.Spatial Language and CultureⅢ.Spatial Language and LifeⅣ.Changes We Cannot Afford Unit 6 Smiles, Nods and SilenceⅠ.Smiles in the Intercultural CommunicationⅡ.NodsⅢ.Silence Part Ⅲ Cultural Differences in ThinkingUnit 7 Intuitive vs.Logical Thinking Ⅰ.Definitions of Intuitive and Logical ThinkingⅡ.Philosophy and Thinking Ⅲ.Application of the Two Thinking Modes Ⅳ.Impact of Thinking Modes on Writings Ⅴ.Logic in China and Intuition in the West Urut 8 Dialectical vs.Analytical Reasoning Ⅰ.Proverb Preferences across Cultures Ⅱ.Dialectical Reasoning Ⅲ.Analytical Reasoning Ⅳ.More about the Two Reasoning ModesUnit 9 Holistic vs.Atomistic Visions Ⅰ.A Detention Room Incident .Ⅱ.Prominent Attributes of Holistic and Analytic VisionsⅢ.Vision and Cognition Part Ⅳ Different Cultural OrientetionsPart Ⅴ Different Cultural StandardsBibliography


  The Three Principles of Dialectical Reasoning   a. The Principle of Change Ancient Chinese philosophers emphasized the constantly changing nature of everything. According to them, the world is not static but dynamic and changeable.“Constant reversal is the movement of the Tao( Dao or Way), and being weak is the function of the Tao. All things under Heaven come into being from visible concrete beings, and all beings come into being from the invisible Tao.(反者道之動。弱者道之用。天下萬物生于有,有生于無。)”( Laozi) Since everything is in constant flux the concepts are fluid and subjective rather than being fixed and objective. So it is belie ved that "When the people of the world all know beauty as beauty, there arises the recognition of ugliness; when they all know the good as good, there arises the recognition of evil. And so, being and nonbeing produce each other.(天下皆知美之為美,斯惡已;皆知善之為善,斯不善已。有無相生。)”( Laozi)  Like our predecessors, we have the same faith in the principle of change and assume that things are constantly changing, and movement in a particular direction may be a sign that events are about to reverse direction, for instance, poverty is regarded as a sign that one is to enjoy a happy life in the future, as the idiom goes.“苦盡甘來(literally, bittemess means sweetness is around the corner; freely, happy life is山e result of hard work).”  b. The Principle of Contradiction  Because the world is in constant change, oppositions, paradoxes, and anomalies are continuously being created. Therefore, new and old, strong and weak, good and bad,exist in everything; opposites complete each other; the two sides of any apparent contradiction exist in an active harmony, opposed but connected and mutually controlling.  rfake xu and shi for instance. Xu and shi are two concepts commonly used in Chinese philosophy and everyday life. Shi roughly corresponds with solid, complete,tangible, and exact, whereas xu is roughly equivalent to illusory, sketchy, intangible,and obscure. Xu and shi are contradictory and complementary elements which forma dialectical unity. The orgaruzation of Chinese sentences is mostly a blend of xu and shi since Chinese grammar lays stress on meaning perception, wluch makes it possible and essential to use as few words as possible in sentence construction,e.g.她有個表兄,在南京,已經(jīng)打過電話了,一小時后到( She has a cousin;?。╤e) lives in Nanjing;( we)have called him, and (he) will be here in an hour). Although this sentence has xu instead of shi subject, the meaning is clear. If we put those xu subjects back into the sentence, then the sentence with all its shi subjects and predicates will look and sound very clumsy, because it does not correspond with the habitual way of expression. The emphasis on the combination of xu and shi is not only characteristic of the Chinese language, but also shown in the traditional painting, architecture, opera, etc. The principle employed in these activities is known as the principle of contradiction.  ……



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