
出版時間:2010-9  出版社:武漢理工大學出版社  作者:張真 等主編  頁數:246  


本書分為四大部分,每部分包括三個單元。第一部分為文秘實務,在詮釋秘書多重角色的同時,較為詳細地描述了文秘的具體工作,如會議的策劃和組織、人際溝通等。第二部分為國際貿易,介紹了國際貿易的基本概念、貿易術語以及國際貿易的支付方式。第三部分為市場營銷,闡述了營銷的概念、營銷組合、營銷策略和營銷計劃。第四部分為管理,其內容涉及管理者的職能、人力資源管理和生產質量管理等主題。  本書可作為高等院校經貿類專業(yè)、商務英語專業(yè)師生的教材,也可以作為其他有志于從事國際商務的各行人士的參考讀本。


Part ⅠSecretarial Practice Unit One At the Office  Section A Text Understanding  Section B Speed Reading  Section C Case Study  Section D Supplementary Reading Unit Two At a Meeting  Section A Text Understanding  Section B Speed Reading  Section C Case Study.  Section D Supplementary Reading Unit Three Between Us  Section A Text Understanding  Section B Speed Reading  Section C Case Study  Section D Supplementary ReadingPart ⅡInternational Trade Unit Four International Trade Foundations  Section A Text Understanding  Section B Speed Reading  Section C Case Study  Section D Supplementary Reading Unit Five Export / Import Transaction  Section A Text Understanding  Section B Speed Reading  Section C Case Study  Section D Supplementary Reading Unit Six International Payment  Section A Text Understanding  Section B Speed Reading  Section C Case Study  Section D Supplementary ReadingPart Ⅲ Marketing Unit Seven What Is All about Marketing?  Section A Text Understanding  Section B Speed Reading  Section C Case Study  Section D Supplementary Reading Unit Eight Developing Marketing Mixes   Section A Text Understanding  Section B Speed Reading  Section C Case Study   Section D Supplementary Reading  Unit Nine Marketing Strategy and Plan  Section A Text Understanding  Section B Speed Reading  Section C Case Study  Section D Supplementary Reading Part Ⅳ Management Unit Ten Introduction to Management  Section A Text Understanding  Section B Speed Reading  Section C Case Study  Section D Supplementary Reading Unit Eleven Human Resource Management  Section A Text Understanding   Section B Speed Reading  Section C Case Study  Section D Supplementary Reading Unit Twelve Production and Quality Management  Section A Text Understanding  Section B Speed Reading  Section C Case Study   Section D Supplementary Reading參考文獻



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