
出版時間:2008-8  出版社:武漢理工大學(xué)出版社  作者:蔣清泉 主編  頁數(shù):284  


本書是“高等職業(yè)教育現(xiàn)代物流規(guī)劃教材”之一。    全書主要內(nèi)容包括物流概述、客戶關(guān)系管理、運輸工程、倉儲管理、配送、包裝及包裝技術(shù)、采購管理、供應(yīng)鏈管理、信息技術(shù)、質(zhì)量管理和物流的發(fā)展趨勢,大致構(gòu)成一個體系明晰的物流專業(yè)教材框架。每個章節(jié)均取材于近幾年國內(nèi)外通行的專業(yè)教材和相關(guān)專業(yè)研究資料,涵蓋了當(dāng)今國際物流專業(yè)方面的代表性內(nèi)容。    本書既可以作為物流管理和運輸管理的專業(yè)英語教材,也可供相關(guān)人員參考。


1  An Introduction to Logistics 1.1  The History and Evolution of Logistics 1.2  Definition of Logistics: Elements of Logistics 1.3  The Logistics of Business is Big and Important Case 1  IBS Logistics2  Customer Accommodation 2.1  Customer-focused Marketing and Customer Service 2.2  Customer Satisfaction 2.3  Customer Accommodation and Customer Retention 2.4  Setting Customer Accommodation Priorities Case 2  Batman: Adding Value Through Customer Accommodation3  Transportation 3.1  Road Transportation 3.2  Rail Tansportation 3.3  Maritime Transportation 3.4  Air Transportation 3.5  Pipelines4  Warehousing 4.1  Overview 4.2  Warehouse Operations 4.3  Warehouse Planning Case 4  Modern Warehouse Handling5  Distribution Center 5.1  Introductions to Distribution Centre 5.2  The Function of Distribution Centre 5.3  Distribution Centre Design Case 5  Cases of Distribution Center's Function6  Packaging 6.1  Packaging Materials 6.2  Packaging Technology 6.3  Packaging Innovation Case 6  Present Conditions and Development Tendency of China Carton Industry7  Inventory Management 7.1  Inventory Types 7.2  Inventory Carrying Cost 7.3  Eeonomic Order Quantity 7.4  Managing Uncertainty Case 7  The Smog Co. Production System8  Ptirehasing Management 8.1  Why Purchasing is Important 8.2  Purchasing Strategies 8.3  Why Sourcing Worldwide Case 8  The Global Sourcing Wire Harness Decision9  Supply Chain Management 9.1  The Definition of SCM 9.2  Supply Chain Operations Reference Model 9.3  The Principles in the New Supply Chain Environment Case 9  Dell A Global Leader in Business Excellence10  Information Technology 10.1  Role of Information Technology in Supply Chain Management 10.2  An introduction to ERP 10.3  Commonly Used Communication Systems Case 10  Eric Scott Limited11  Quality Management 11.1  Defining Quality 11.2  Quality Improvement Methods 11.3  Defining Quality in Terms of Customer Requirements 11.4  Web Links -- General Resources on Quality Case 11  Armstrong Building Products Operations12  Logistics Changes and Trends 12.1  Logistics Changes in the Next Decade 12.2  Adversarial to Collaborative Relationships 12.3  Functional to Process Integration 12.4  Information Hoarding to Sharing 12.5  Training to Knowledge-based Learning Case 12  Volkswagen BrazilAppendix 1  中華人民共和國國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)物流術(shù)語Appendix 2  Logistics Documentation SamplesAppendix 3  Selected Bibliographies



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