
出版時間:2002-9  出版社:武漢理工大學出版社  作者:揭力勤,等 編  頁數(shù):145  




Unit OneDialogue : HobbiesText: Learning a LanguageExercisesGrammar : 人稱代詞,物主代詞;There be結(jié)構(gòu)Reading Practice: Spelling EnglishUnit TwoDialogue : ClimateText: Coffee and TeaExercisesGrammar:名詞;一般現(xiàn)在時Reading Practice: Fast-food Restaurants in the United StatesUnit ThreeDialogue: How to Go to the Bus StopText: Medicine in the FutureExercisesGrammar:現(xiàn)在進行時,將來時;疑問句Reading Practice :The Future ProblemsUnit FourDialogue: Register a LetterText: New Year's CelebrationExercisesGrammar:一般過去時;數(shù)詞,冠詞Reading Practice: ChristmasUnit FiveDialogue :Open an AccountText:Buying on the Installment PlanExercisesGrammar:被動語態(tài);現(xiàn)在完成時Reading Practice: Installment Buying in the U.S.Unit SixDialogue. Have You a Table for Two?Text. Educational Television in the United StatesExercisesGrammar:介詞;形容詞和副詞的比較級與最高級Reading Practice: TelevisionUnit SevenDialogue: Going to a MovieText : Telephone TroubleExercisesGrammar:代詞(2);復合賓語Reading Practice: Handling Office CallsUnit EightDialogue: Leaving a MessageText: The Web LifestyleExercisesGrammar:過去進行時;主語從句Reading Practice: How to Read a Dictionary?Unit NineDialogue : ThanksgivingText: How to Make a Good Impression?ExercisesGrammar:賓語從句;用引導詞it的常用結(jié)構(gòu)Reading Practice: The Languages and Customs of Different CountriesUnit TenDialogue: Going on a VacationText : TravelingExercises  ,Grammar:定語從句;過去將來時Reading Practice: Computer Art MuseumUnit ElevenDialogue: Do I Have to Change?Text: A Computer Directs TrafficExercisesGrammar: 情態(tài)動詞;過去完成時Reading Practice: Why Are Microcomputer Systems Important?Unit TwelveDialogue: Seeing a DoctorText: How to Live to Be 100?ExercisesGrammar: 同位語;狀語從句Reading Practice: Exercises and Health附錄  Glossary



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