
出版時間:2006-7  出版社:武漢理工大學(xué)出版社  作者:戴文進(jìn)  頁數(shù):358  字?jǐn)?shù):588000  


本書主要討論自動化類專業(yè)英語的閱讀與翻譯。全書分四部分,共計(jì)45課。每課含英語原文課文、專業(yè)英語詞匯、課文注釋和參考譯文四部分內(nèi)容。專業(yè)內(nèi)容涵蓋電工電子、計(jì)算機(jī)控制及儀器儀表、經(jīng)典的與現(xiàn)代的控制理論與控制技術(shù)等。    本書系普通高等學(xué)校自動化類專業(yè)新編系列教材,也可供有關(guān)技術(shù)人員參考。


Part 1  Electrics and Electronics Unit 1  Circuit Elements and Parameters Unit 2  Ideal Sources Series and Parallel Equivalent Circuits Unit 3  Analysis of a Single-Loop Network Unit 4  Analysis of Sinusoida[ Current and Voltage Unit 5  Analysis of Small Signal Amplifiers in the Mid-Frequency Band Unit 6  Operational Amplifiers Unit 7  Negative Feedback Amplifiers Unit 8  Introduction to Logic Circuits Unit 9  The Transformer on Load Unit 10  Introduction to DC Machines Unit 11  Operating Conditions and Vector Diagrams of the Induction Machine Unit 12  Voltage Diagrams of the Three-Phase Synchronous Generator on Balanced LoadPart 2  Computer and Automation Unit 13  Microcomputers in Engineering Unit 14  Personal Computer Unit 15  Systems Using Microprocessors Unit 16  Software Unit 17  Operating Systems Unit 18  Microcomputer Interface Unit 19  Computer Networking Unit 20  Internetworking Unit 21  Process Instrumentation Unit 22  Pressure&Temperature Measurement Unit 23  Robotics Unit 24  Office AutomationPart 3  Classical Control Theory and Technique Unit 25  Construction of Linear System Models Unit 26  Response of First- and Second-Order Systems Unit 27  Feedback Control Unit 28  Steady-State Performance Unit 29  Transient Analysis by Root-Locus Methods Unit 30  Performance Specifications Unit 31  Improvement of Static Accuracy Unit 32  Stabilization and Improvement of Transient Response Unit 33  Lag-Lead Compensators and Three-Term Controllers Unit 34  The Position-Control System Unit 35  Process-Control Systems Unit 36  The Closed-Loop Ward-Leonard Method of Speed ControlPart 4  Modern Control Theory and Technology Unit 37  Background of Control Theory Unit 38  Introduction to System Modeling Unit 39  State Variable Concepts Unit 40  Liapunov Stability Analysis Unit 41  Dynamic Programming Unit 42  Adaptive Control Unit 43  Expert Systems & Expert Control Unit 44  Dual Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Stochastic Systems Using Neural Networks Unit 45  Robust Controller Design Appendix 1  Commonly-Used Nouns in Automation Appendix 2  Commonly-Used Mathematic Symbol Appendix 3  Metrology Table Appendix 4  Metrology Compare TableReferences



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  •   真的很喜歡這本書,給別人推薦的專業(yè)英語!
  •   給朋友買的專業(yè)英語書,還不錯。
  •   對于想提高自己專業(yè)英語的人來說很不錯。個人認(rèn)為對考研復(fù)試英語也有一定幫助
  •   40多個單元,每個單元1篇英文,一篇譯文,還有部分單詞和釋義。
  •   學(xué)校的教材 幫人代買 應(yīng)該不錯吧 沒看過
  •   文章長短安排得當(dāng),單詞量也適中,而且每篇文章都有完整翻譯
  •   挺好的,教課火速
  •   隨時可拿出來看
  •   圖書很不錯,個人覺得很滿意
  •   速度可以,質(zhì)量可以
  •   書還行 老師推薦的 希望能助我考研成功
  •   正在讀....要是有音標(biāo)就好了...
  •   覺得詞匯少了點(diǎn),少了句子的解析
  •   書發(fā)來的時候,里面好多頁紙都是折在里面的!而且書的紙張不是很好!

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費(fèi)下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機(jī)版
