出版時間:2010-1 出版社:華東理工大學出版社 作者:蘇雅敏,克萊因 著 頁數(shù):214
每一個學習英語的人,最大的希望是什么?那就是能以英語合適、流利地表達自己的意見,用英語與人溝通、洽談生意。換句話說,不論是在公司上班、出國、談生意或結(jié)交朋友,只要是需要用到英語的場合,您一定希望能輕松愉快地開口暢談。 本書帶您模擬美國人的談話話題,將您所學的句子應(yīng)用在談話中。本書模擬的話題,幾乎包羅談話可能涉及的所有內(nèi)容:從選舉、打招呼、交易買賣到休閑、運動、嗜好等?! ∧梢詮淖钣信d趣的話題著手,再慢慢加以變化,融會成自己隨時都能順口、流利說出的英語?! ”緯俗屇M跟著學習的情景會話之外,還有句型靈活運用和語法句型練習兩部分?! 【湫挽`活運用部分特別選出會話中常用的句型,說明該句型在何種情況下可以使用,這些被選出的句型,您又可拿來用在別的場合?! ≌Z法句型練習部分,以中國人最熟悉的語法分析法來說明情景會話中重要的句型,以便您可以正確地使用該句型,而不會犯語法上的錯誤。
每一個學習英語的人,最大的希望是什么?那就是能以英語合適、流利地表達自己的意見,用英語與人溝通、洽談生意。換句話說,不論是在公司上班、出國、談生意或結(jié)交朋友,只要是需要用到英語的場合,您一定希望能輕松愉快地開口暢談?! 睹勒Z會話一點靈》帶您模擬美國人的談話話題,將您所學的句子應(yīng)用在談話中。本書模擬的話題,幾乎包羅談話可能涉及的所有內(nèi)容:從選舉、打招呼、交易買賣到休閑、運動、嗜好等?! ∧梢詮淖钣信d趣的話題著手,再慢慢加以變化,融會成自己隨時都能順口、流利說出的英語?! 睹勒Z會話一點靈》除了讓您模擬跟著學習的情景會話之外,還有句型靈活運用和語法句型練習兩部分?! 【湫挽`活運用部分特別選出會話中常用的句型,說明該句型在何種情況下可以使用,這些被選出的句型,您又可拿來用在別的場合。 語法句型練習部分,以中國人最熟悉的語法分析法來說明情景會話中重要的句型,以便您可以正確地使用該句型,而不會犯語法上的錯誤。
Chapter 1 暢談選舉Unit 1 All of the candidates are real strong.所有候選人都很有實力。Unit 2 Please vote for me. 請投我一票。Unit 3 Who are you going to vote for?你打算選誰?Unit 4 Im going to work on Mr. Lins campaign.我要為林先生助選。Unit 5 It is time for the presidential election.又是選舉總統(tǒng)的時候了。Chapter 2 美語晴雨計Unit 6 It sure is hot and muggy today.今天真的又熱又悶。Unit 7 We had golf-ball-size hail.我們這里下了像高爾夫球大小的冰雹。Unit 8 It might snow tonight.今晚可能會下雪。Unit 9 The wind is really frightening.風勢真的很可怕。Unit 10 This is great kite flying weather.這種天放風箏最好。Chapter 3 健身美語Unit 11 Ive got to start working out.我必須開始做健身運動。Unit 12 Biking is a good way to get some exercises.騎自行車是運動的好方法。Unit 13 I dont like sit-ups.我不喜歡做仰臥起坐。Unit 14 I got an exercise machine.我買了一個運動器材。Unit 15 A little exercise would do you good.做點運動對你有好處。Chapter 4 運動美語Unit 16 Were going to the baseball game.我們要去看棒球賽。Unit 17 Mary joined the swim team.瑪麗參加游泳隊。Unit 18 He is in the football team.他在足球隊。Unit 19 Congratulations on making the tennis team.恭喜你被選入網(wǎng)球隊。Chapter 5 個人嗜好Unit 20 Im doing some needlework.我在做針線。Unit 21 She plays the piano very well.她鋼琴彈得很好。Unit 22 I like to play the guitar.我喜歡彈吉他。Unit 23 Do you do pottery? 你平時做陶器嗎?Unit 24 Ive taken up photography.我在學攝影。Chapter 6 喜慶社交Unit 25 Marys baby shower is this week.這個星期瑪麗要做嬰兒祝福禮。Unit 26 They are having a band at their wedding reception.他們的婚宴上將請一個樂隊。Unit 27 Were planning a birthday party for John.我們正為約翰計劃生日派對。Unit 28 They are moving next week.他們下星期要搬家。Chapter 7 生活計劃Unit 29 Were going to the beach.我們要去海邊。Unit 30 Do you want to go see the new movie?你要不要去看那部新電影?Unit 31 Im busy all next week.我下個星期都會很忙。Unit 32 Im going to New York tomorrow.我明天要去紐約。Unit 33 Where are you going to college?你要到哪里去上大學?Chapter 8 娛樂活動Unit 34 Did you go to watch the fireworks? 你去看煙火了嗎?Unit 35 What did you think about the Christmas parade? 你認為圣誕節(jié)的游行如何?Unit 36 They are having a huge sale.他們有個大拍賣。Unit 37 I went to the ground breaking for the new building.我去參加新大樓的破土典禮。Chapter 9 評論朋友Unit 38 They are very strict.他們很嚴厲。Unit 39 Hes got a great sense of humor.他很有幽默感。Unit 40 I think John is mean.我認為約翰很差勁。Unit 41 She is so down to earth.她很平易近人。Chapter 10 發(fā)表意見Unit 42 What did you think about that book? 你認為那本書怎么樣?Unit 43 What is your favorite place? 你最喜歡的地方是哪里?Unit 44 Opera isnt real appealing to me.歌劇并不是真的很吸引我。Unit 45 Im crazy about jazz.我對爵士樂很著迷。Unit 46 Their pastries are to die for! 他們的糕餅好吃得不得了!Chapter 11 談心閑聊Unit 47 You look really stressed out.你看起來壓力很大。Unit 48 I dont have the foggiest idea.我一點都不知道。Unit 49 What happened? 發(fā)生了什么事?Unit 50 Whats up? 有什么事?Unit 51 What did you do? 你做了什么事?Chapter 12 上班族交談Unit 52 Do you play the lottery? 你買彩票嗎?Unit 53 Have you seen the new play? 你看過那部新的話劇嗎?Unit 54 What did you think? 你認為怎么樣?Unit 55 Boy, are the lines long today! 啊呀,今天的隊伍好長?。hapter 13 遇到麻煩Unit 56 Im going to apply for that position.我要去應(yīng)聘那個職位。Unit 57 They fired John.他們把約翰辭掉。Unit 58 Have you heard the latest news about the takeover? 你有沒有聽到有關(guān)并購的最新消息?Chapter 14 度假旅游Unit 59 Where do you want to go on vacation this year? 你今年要去哪里度假?Unit 60 How was your vacation? 你的假期如何?Unit 61 I hear you are driving to Florida for your vacation.我聽說你打算開車去佛羅里達度假。Unit 62 We just got back from Italy.我們剛從意大利回來。Chapter 15 交易買賣Unit 63 Looking around some.隨便看看。Unit 64 Im looking for a new living room set.我在找一套新的客廳家具。Unit 65 Im looking for a new computer.我在找一部新的計算機。Unit 66 I really need to think about it for a few days.我真的需要考慮幾天。Chapter 16 協(xié)議談判Unit 67 I think the price is too high.我認為價錢太高了。Unit 68 We can beat that price.我們可以賣得更便宜。Unit 69 We can reach some sort of agreement.我們可以達成一些協(xié)議。Chapter 17 發(fā)牢騷Unit 70 Im tired of it.我很厭煩了。Unit 71 This traffic is awful.交通好亂。Unit 72 This isnt what I ordered.這不是我點的。Unit 73 The picture is real fuzzy.畫面真的很模糊。Unit 74 The expressway is a mess.高速公路真的一團糟。Chapter 18 詢問信息Unit 75 Do you have any apartment available? 你有空的公寓嗎?Unit 76 What positions are you hiring for? 你們要請什么職位的人?Unit 77 Could you tell me where the courthouse is? 你可否告訴我法院在哪里?Unit 78 May I help you? 有什么事嗎?
◆談看球賽 A:John is going to take the kids to the baseball game on Friday. 約翰這個禮拜五要帶小孩去看棒球賽?! :That game has been sold out for weeks. 那場球賽的門票幾個禮拜之前就賣光了?! ow did he get tickets? 那他是怎么拿到票的? A:His brothers company has a box at the stadium. 他哥哥的公司在球場有一個包廂?! nd it happens to be his weekend to use it. 這個周末剛好輪到他哥哥使用。 B:Thats great. 那太好了?! hat is the box like? 球場的包廂怎樣? A:To start with,it is air-conditioned. 首先,那兒有冷氣?! hey also have all sorts of food and drinks available. 里面又有各種吃的喝的?! :That sounds great. 那太好了。
《美語會話一點靈》提供鮮活“虛擬情境”,呈現(xiàn)美式生活語境,男擴各種交流話題,讓你遇見老外也能應(yīng)付自如! 也許你還在困惑:和老外聊什么最好?那么你一定會找到驚喜—— 從總統(tǒng)大選、運動旅行,到興趣愛好、購物娛樂,挖掘簡單卻熱門的話題,讓您對任何話題都有話可說 對話新奇活潑,貼近美國風俗,教會你原汁原味的美式口語 深入分析句型,解讀語法知識,牢牢掌握不會忘