
出版時間:2009-8  出版社:華東理工大學  作者:金光輝  頁數:219  


為配合廣大高中學生迎接高考,根據國家教育部頒布的《中學英語教學大綱》、《全日制高級中學英語教科書》以及近幾年全國各地高考英語試卷,作者精心編寫了本書。    完形填空這個考試項目幾乎是全國各地高考英語試卷中的必考項目。這個考項是對學生英語學習整體水平的一個檢測,它不僅涵蓋了詞匯測試,還隱含著語法測試,學生在做完形填空這個類型的題目時,需要運用自己的閱讀理解、邏輯分析等綜合能力。    全書由100篇精選短文組成,每篇短文設置了20道完形填空題目,共計2000題,難易程度達到大綱要求,書末附有參考答案。編者在挑選短文時,力求將時尚與傳統(tǒng)、知識與趣味有機地結合起來,學生在閱讀、理解這些短文的同時,無意中拓寬了自己的知識面,增長了見識,可謂一舉兩得。


第一部分 完形填空2000題第二部分 參考答案


  English is a global language __1__all over the world. One__2__ five of the worlds population has some basic __3__ ofEnglish. 85% of emails are written in English. 90% of all theinformation stored in__4__is in English. By 2010 the number ofpeople who speak English as a second or foreign language will__5__ the number of native speakers. Therefore to learn English isto learn how to__6__ an outside world that is rapidly enteringChina in __7__ ways. Yes, there is a need in schools to testEnglish through exams but a greater emphasis should be__8__English as a communicative tool to be used __9__ a Subject to bestudied. Grammar has a place in teaching and it is ___10__ to learnwhat __11__ a language and how that language is structured, butwords are placed in sentences and sentences are __12__ incommunication. Communication in English learning is the key andto communicate we must first listen and speak, which is how welearnt our mother tongue.  "Dumb English" must be __13__ "Smart English" where brainand tongue are both __14__ used together. Chinese teachers ofEnglish have a __15__ to teach their students correct English thatis more student-centered than teacher-centered. This __16__should incorporate the latest technology that utilizes all thestudents__17__ and interest rather than boring its audience into a__18__ and non-learning state. Language is not neutral and comesto us with a cultural and __19__ background which can be used tomake English come __20__ because English is a living language.



    高中英語完形填空2000題 PDF格式下載

用戶評論 (總計2條)


  •   不錯啊,雖然沒有答案,但我感覺這本書主要是用來擴展詞匯量的,不是太注重語法,死摳介詞等,如果好好使用,可以在詞匯量方面有不錯的進步。
  •   質量還不錯 但答案不詳細

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網 手機版
