
出版時(shí)間:2008-7  出版社:重慶大學(xué)出版社  作者:高紅等 主編  頁(yè)數(shù):77  字?jǐn)?shù):132000  


《創(chuàng)新大學(xué)英語(yǔ)綜合訓(xùn)練1》是《高職高專創(chuàng)新大學(xué)英語(yǔ)系列教材》學(xué)生練習(xí)冊(cè)的第一冊(cè)。本書中每一單元由Micro-skills Practice和Comprehensive Skills and Practice兩大部分組成,前者包括Vocabulary和Sentence Pattern兩個(gè)板塊,后者包括Listening,Speaking,Reading for Skill,Translation和Writing等板塊?!毒C合訓(xùn)練》在練習(xí)的詞匯、強(qiáng)化的語(yǔ)法點(diǎn)與訓(xùn)練的交際形式上與學(xué)生用書保持一致,但在訓(xùn)練的量、練習(xí)的形式以及閱讀技巧的培養(yǎng)上又有所拓展,教師可供需要靈活選擇,布置給學(xué)生,體現(xiàn)了課內(nèi)學(xué)習(xí)和課外學(xué)習(xí)的有機(jī)結(jié)合。


Unit 1  Learning English  Micro-skills Practice   Vocabulary   Sentence Pattern  Comprehensive Skills and Practice   Listening   Speaking   Reading for Skill (1)——Reading for the Main Ideas   Translation from English into Chinese  WritingUnit 2  Higher Education  Micro-skills Practice   Vocabulary   Sentence Pattern  Comprehensive Skills and Practice   Listening   Speaking   Reading for Skill (2)——Reading for Specific Details ..   Translation from English into Chinese  WritingUnit 3  Being Mature  Micro-skills Practice   Vocabulary   Sentence Pattern  Comprehensive Skills and Practice   Listening   Speaking   Reading for Skill (3)——Skimming   Translation from English into Chinese  WritingUnit 4 Ways to Success  Micro-skills Practice   Vocabulary   Sentence Pattern   Comprehensive Skills and Practice   Listening   Speaking   Reading for Skill (4)——Reading for Inference   Translation from English into Chinese  WritingUnit 5  Friendship  Micro-skills Practice   Vocabulary   Sentence Pattern  Comprehensive Skills and Practice   Listening   Speaking   Reading for Skill (5)——Reading for Detecting the Author' s Opinion   Translation from English into Chinese  WritingUnit 6  Sports  Micro-skills Practice   Vocabulary     Sentence Pattern   Comprehensive Skills and Practice     Listening   Speaking    Reading for Skill (6)——Reading for DeteWdng the Author' s Purpose  WritingUnit 7  Leisure Time  Micro-skills Practice   Vocabulary   Sentence Pattern  Comprehensive Skills and Practice   Listening   Speaking   Reading for Skill (7)——Reading for Drawing a Conclusion     Translation from English into Chinese  WritingUnit 8  Internet   Micro-skills Practice   Vocabulary   Sentence Pattern  Comprehensive Skills and Practice   Listening   Speaking   Reading for Skill (8)——Scanning for Wanted Information   Translation from English into Chinese  WritingAppendix  Key to Exercises



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