創(chuàng)新大學(xué)英語1 教師用書

出版時間:1970-1  出版社:重慶大學(xué)出版社  作者:高紅 等主編  頁數(shù):179  字?jǐn)?shù):283000  




Unit One Learning English Text A American Small Talk  Background Knowledge of the Text  Warming?up Questions   Sentence Analysis  Word Study  Phrases and Expressions  Differentiations and Analysis of Words and Expressions  Word Building   Grammar Focus   Language Tips for Writing Text B Successful English Learning   Reading Strategies (1): Reading for the Main Ideas  Word Study  Key to Exercises Translation of the Texts Scripts for ListeningUnit Two Higher Education Text A College Life: A Worthy Experience   Background Knowledge of the Text  Warming?up Questions   Sentence Analysis  Word Study  Phrases and Expressions  Differentiations and Analysis of Words and Expressions  Word Building   Grammar Focus   Language Tips for Writing Text B Mother Goes to College   Reading Strategies (2): Reading for Specific Details  Word Study  Key to Exercises Translation of the Texts Scripts for ListeningUnit Three Being Mature Text A Am I Normal?   Background Knowledge of the Text  Warming?up Questions   Sentence Analysis  Word Study  Phrases and Expressions  Differentiations and Analysis of Words and Expressions  Word Building   Grammar Focus   Language Tips for Writing Text B How to Be a Young Adult   Reading Strategies (3): Skimming    Word Study  Key to Exercises Translation of the Texts Scripts for ListeningUnit Four Ways to Success Text A The Way to Success   Background Knowledge of the Text  Warming?up Questions   Sentence Analysis ……Unit Five FriendshipUnit Six SportsUnit Seven Leisure TimeUnit Eight Internet



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