
出版時(shí)間:2007-6  出版社:重慶大學(xué)  作者:崔東  頁數(shù):185  




Chapter Ⅰ  Introduction 1.1  Definition of a Research Paper 1.2  Format of a Research Paper  1.2.1  An Overview of Format  1.2.2  Beginning Part  1.2.3  Body Part  1,2.4 Ending PartChapter Ⅱ  Thesis and Outline 2.1  Thesis  2.1.1  Definition and Function  2.1.2  Formulation of a Thesis  2.1.3  Rules for Wording a Thesis  2.1,4 Place of a Thesis Statement  2.1.5 Title of a Research Paper 2.2  Outline  2.2.1  Visual Conventions of an Outline  2.2.2 Types of Outline  2.2.3 Two Types of Outline Writing TipsChapter Ⅲ  Research 3.1  Definition of Research and Types of Research 3.2  Research Methodology 3.3 Problem Analysis  3.3.1  What Sort of Problems Can We Research  3.3.2 What Makes a Good Project 3.4  Project Design  3.4.1  Making a Plan  3.4.2  Restricting the Topic and Setting the Hypothesis 3.5 Assembly of a Working Bibliography  3.5.1  Introduction  3.5.2  Exploration of Resource  3.5.3  Doing Background Reading  3.5.4  Evaluating Sources  3.5.5  Catching up with Available Software Packages and Current Issues 3.6 Note-taking  3.6.1  Objectives of Note-taking  3.6.2  Some Main Principles for Note-taking  3.6.3  Locating and Selecting Sources  3.6.4  Retrieving and Sorting Sources 3.7 Constructing Research ReportChapter Ⅳ  Quotation 4.1  Formation of a Quotation 4.2  Direct Quotations  4.2.1  When to Use Direct Quotations……Chapter Ⅴ PunctuationChapter Ⅵ DocumentationChapter Ⅶ Sample PaperReferenceWebsites for reference




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