出版時間:2006-3 出版社:重慶大學 作者:鄭超 頁數(shù):232
本教材以生動的表述,風趣的舉例,明快的文筆將當代語言學各個領域的理論奧妙娓娓道來,旨在讓:學生熟悉這門學科的研究對象、方法和成就,及其哲學淵源、文化底蘊和科學走向。全書共分15章,每章后面編有兩類練習題,第一類側重復習基本理念,第二類具有一定挑戰(zhàn)性,啟發(fā)獨立思考,培養(yǎng)科研能力。練習之后介紹一位有突出貢獻的語言學家,并推薦一批有影響的書籍。全書后面附有術語解釋與漢譯,方便學習與復習。 《高等學校英語專業(yè)系列教材:當代語言學導論》配有專門設計的學習網(wǎng)站,作為與讀者交流互動的平臺和與時俱進的信息源。本教材適用于大學英語專業(yè)本科或研究生階段的語言學導論課程,可供一個學期的教學。
Chapter 1 Human Language1.1 Language and languages1.2 Language and human beings1.3 Knowledge of language: endowed or conventional?1.4 A marvelous scope to exploreLinguistic Stars: F. de SaussureChapter2 Linguistics as a Science2.1 Speculation2.2 Starting from observation2.3 Doing your own research2.4 Three adequacies2.5 Testing a theory2.6 The "tourist map" of linguisticsLinguistic Stars : O. Jespersen】Chapter3 Speech Sounds and Their System3.1 IPA3.2 Articulation3.3 Consonants3.4 Vowels3.5 Phonemes and allophones3.6 Stress and pitchLinguistic Stars: YR ChaoChapter 4 Word-making and Word-marking4.1 Morphemes4.2 Morphemes in Chinese4.3 Compounding4.4 Idiomatic powerLinguistic Stars : L. BloomfieldChapter 5 Phrase Hierarchy5.1 Trees5.2 Merging5.3 Functional categories5.4 X-bar trees5.5 A universal skeleton5.6 From IP to CPLinguistic Stars : N. ChomskyChapter 6 From Form to Meaning6.1 Proposition6.2 Theta rolesLinguistic Stars : C. FillmoreChapter 7 From Meaning to Function7.1 Structurizing meaning7.2 Signifier vs. signified7.3 Denotation vs. connotation7.4 Meaning vs. functionLinguistic Stars : R. MontagueChapter 8 Functional Structures in Communication8.1 Given and New8.2 Theme and Rheme8.3 Topic-comment and end focus8.4 A "meaning potential" Linguistic Stars : M. HallidayChapter 9 Meaning and Use9.1 Language games9.2 Act in words9.3 What does the speaker mean by saying that?9.4 Flouting maxims enjoyablyLinguistic Stars : L. WittgensteinChapter 10 Language Instinct10.1 The modularity of language10.2 Clinical evidence10.3 Species uniquenessLinguistic Stars : S. PinkerChapter 11 Language Convention11.1 Noah Websters oath11.2 Stretching the grammar11,3 Social imprint11.4 Tongue and face11.5 Magic kaleidoscopesLinguistic Stars : W. LabovChapter 12 Language Acquisition12.1 Babbling12.2 Prosodic bootstrapping12.3 Error-marked creation12.4 Triggering and choosing12.5 Critical periodLinguistic Stars : EH LennebergChapter 13 Second Language13.1 Defining L2 acquisition13.2 Fundamentally different?13.3 Are you fed up?13.4 Lado and Corder13.5 Krashen and Swain13.6 Interlanguage13.7 Is UG Still awake?Linguistic Stars : S. KrashenChapter 14 Universals and Diversities14.1 Language universals14.2 Language diversities14.3 Implications in TranslationLinguistic Stars: JH GreenbergChapter 15 Global Language15.1 Rebuilding the Babel15.2 Why is it English?15.3 Teaching English as a foreign language15.4 Globalized uncertaintiesEpilogueLinguistic Stars : H. WiddowsonGlossary