
出版時間:2006-3  出版社:重慶大學(xué)  作者:李如平  


Chapter Ⅰ What is a Research Paper 1.1 Definition 1.2 Organization 1.3 Working ProcedureChapter Ⅱ The Research Topic 2.1 Negotiating a Topic 2.2 Narrowing Down the Research TopicChapter Ⅲ Taking Notes 3.1 Evaluating Sources 3.2 What to Take Notes about 3.3 Tips of Note-taking 3.4 A Sample Note 3.5 Taking Notes on a Computer 3.6 Types of Notes 3.7 PlagiarismChapter Ⅳ Writing the Paper 4.1 Writing an Effective Thesis Statement 4.2 Working out an Outline 4.3 Types of Outlines 4.4 Sample Outlines 4.5 Writing the Abstract 4.6 Writing the Introduction 4.7 Writing the Body 4.8 Writing the Conclusion 4.9 Revision 4.10 Final DraftChapter Ⅴ Documenting Sources: MLA Style 5.1 In-text Citation and Content Notes 5.2 Documenting Sources:Works CitedChapter Ⅵ Works Cited Format:MIA Style 6.1 Books 6.2 Magazines and Journals 6.3 Newspapers 6.4 Other Sources 6.5 Database Sources 6.6 Sources on the InternetChapter Ⅶ Alternative Documentation Styles 7.1 APA Style Documentation 7.2 Chicago Style DocumentationChapter Ⅷ Using Appendix 8.1 Using Appendix 8.2 A Sample AppendixAppendix A Sample Research Paper in MLA Style



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