
出版時間:2006-1  出版社:重慶大學(xué)  作者:尼爾森  頁數(shù):573  字?jǐn)?shù):1018000  


本書是根據(jù)美國Arthur H.Nilson等所著《Design of Concrete Structures》一書的13版所編而成,根據(jù)美國混凝土學(xué)會ACI2002年修訂的建筑規(guī)范進(jìn)行了內(nèi)容的更新。    本書的目的首先是讓讀者建立對結(jié)構(gòu)混凝土性能的扎實理解,然后熟練地掌握當(dāng)前工程實踐中使用的設(shè)計方法。本書的一個重要特點是全面介紹了板設(shè)計的所有內(nèi)容。有關(guān)雙向邊支承和柱支承兩章的內(nèi)容被合成一章,刪去了在實踐中已經(jīng)很少使用的系數(shù)法;繼續(xù)保留了基于塑性理論的板分析和設(shè)計方法,即板分析的屈服線法和版設(shè)計的條帶法,兩種方法對新興的結(jié)構(gòu)尤其重要。


Chapter 1 Introduction  1.1 Concrete,Reinforced Concrete,and Prestressed Concrete  1.2 Structural Forms  1.3 Loads  1.4 Serviceability,Strergth,and Structural Safety  1.5 Design Basis  1.6 Design Codes and Specifications  1.7 Safety Provisions of the ACI Code  1.8 Fundamental Assumptions for Reinforced Concrete Behavior  1.9 Behavior of Members Subject of Axial Loads  References  ProblemsChapter 2 Materials  2.1 Introduction  2.2 Cement  2.3 Aggregates  2.4 Proportioning and Mixing Concrete  2.5 Conveying,Placing,Compaction,and Curing  2.6 Quality Control  2.7 Admixtures  2.8 Properties in Compression  2.9 Proeries in Tension  2.10 Strength under Combined Stress  2.11 Shrinkage and Temperature Effects  2.12 High-Strength Concrete  2.13 Reinforcing Steels for Concrete  2.14 Reinforcing Bars  2.15 Welded Wire Reinforcement  2.16 Prestressing Steels  ReferencesChapter 3 Flexural Analysis and Design of Beams  3.1 Introduction  3.2 Bending of Homogeneous Beams  3.3 Reinforced Concrete Beam Behavior  3.4 Design of Tension-Reinforced Rectangular Beams  3.5 Design Aids  3.6 Practical Consideration in the Design of Beams  3.7 Rectangular Beams with Tension and Compression Reinforcement  3.8 T Beams  References  ProblemsrChapter 4 Shear and Diagonal Tension in BeamsChapter 5 Bond,Anchorage,and Development LengthChapter 6 ServiceabilityChaptet 7 Analysis and Design for TorsionChpatet 8 Shory CoolumnsChaptet 9 Slender ColumnsChapter 10 Strut-and-Tie ModeslChpatet 11 Design of Reinforcement at JointsChpater 12 Analysis and Design of SlabsChpater 13 Yield Line Analysis for SlabsChpater 14 Pretressed ConcreteAppendix A Design AidsAppendix B Si Conversion Factors:Inch-Phund Units to Si Units



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用戶評論 (總計6條)


  •   好好的一本經(jīng)典書,被重大叫獸們閹割了。內(nèi)容被閹割,索引也被閹割。自己寫不出來,就去閹人家老外的,真是吃飽了撐的。


  •   書很好,很不錯,發(fā)貨很快,快遞很給力!
  •   寫的很好,地道英語。就是符號和國內(nèi)的不一樣,讀起來很頭痛
  •   美國目前主流的混凝土教材,美中不足在于影印的時候刪掉了其中的幾個章節(jié)~
  •   書不錯,就是物流用的郵政,速度有點慢了
  •   額,,,里面全是英文到是我始料未及的

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