
出版時間:2005-9  出版社:重慶大學(xué)出版社  作者:黎宏,蘭萍  頁數(shù):185  字?jǐn)?shù):210000  




UNIT 1 New Knowledge Tapescripts Cultural Tips and Hints Language Points Translation of the Passage Key to ExercisesUNIT 2 Bill Gates & Microsoft Tapescripts Cultural Tips and Hints Language Points Translation of the Passage Key to ExercisesUNIT 3 Public Life and Private Life Tapescripts Cultural Tips and Hints Language Points Translation of the Passage Key to ExercisesUNIT 4 Pop Music Tapescripts Cultural Tips and Hints Language Points Translation of the Passage Key to ExercisesUNIT 5 Internet Language Tapescripts Cultural Tips and Hints Language Points Translation of the Passage Key to ExercisesUNIT 6 My Driving Experience Tapescripts Cultural Tips and Hints Language Points Translation of the Passage Key to ExercisesUNIT 7 Cloning Tapescripts Cultural Tips and Hints Language Points Translation of the Passage Key to ExercisesUNIT 8 Genetic Engineering Tapescripts Cultural Tips and Hints Language Points Translation of the Passage Key to ExercisesUNIT 9 Getting Along with Each Other  Tapescripts Cultural Tips and Hints Language Points Translation of the Passage Key to ExercisesUNIT 10 Medical Advance  Tapescripts  Cultural Tips and Hints  Language Points  Translation of the Passage  Key to ExercisesUNIT 11 Cultural Puzzles  Tapescripts  Cultural Tips and Hints  Language Points  Translation of the Passage  Key to ExercisesUNIT 12 E-Education  Tapescripts  Cultural Tips and Hints  Language Points  Translation of the Passage  Key to ExercisesUNIT 18 Job Hunting  Tapescripts  Cultural Tips and Hints  Language Points  Translation of the Passage  Key to ExercisesUNIT 14 Team Work  Tapescripts  Cultural Tips and Hints  Language Points  Translation of the Passage  Key to ExercisesUNIT 15 Learning Through Life  Tapescripts  Cultural Tips and Hints  Language Points  Translation of the Passage  Key to Exercises




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