
出版時間:2005-1  出版社:重慶大學出版社  作者:(美)烏格拉爾  


本教材是美國Ansel C.Ugural教授所著《Mechanical Design:An Integrated Approach》的縮編版。根據我國機械設計課程教學的基本要求,縮編者在保持原書特色和風格的前提下,刪去了原書中與先修課程重復的部分,將原教材壓縮為9章;同時,用中文撰寫了縮編說明,詳細介紹了本書的特點和用法?! 「戒浿斜A袅嗽坑杏玫馁Y料。通過書末的教師反饋表,任課教師可以進一步獲得相關的教學課件和資料?! ”窘滩恼Z言流暢,通俗易懂,聯系實際,是一本學習機械設計課程和進行機械設計雙語教學的優(yōu)秀教材。


ABBREVIATIONSSYMBOLSROMAN LETTERSGREEK LETTERSChapter 1 INTRODUCTION TO DESIGN  1.1 Scope of Treatment  1.2 Engineering Design  1.3 The Design Process  1.4 Design Analysis  1.5 Problem Formulation and Comprtation  1.6 Factor of Safety and Design Codes  1.7 Units and Conversion  1.8 Stress Concentiation Factors  1.9 Reliability  1.10 Contact Stress DistributionsChapter 2 FATIGUE  2.1 Introduction  2.2 The Nature of Fatigue Failures  2.3 Fatigue Tests  2.4 The S-N Diagrams  2.5 Estimatin the Endurance Limit and Fatigue Strength  2.6 Modified Endurancd Limit  2.7 Endurance Limit Reduction Factors  2.8 Fluctuating Stresses  2.9 Theories of Fatigue Failure  2.10 Comparison of the Fatigue Criteria  2.11 Design for Simple Fluctuating Loads  2.12 Design for Combined Fluctuating Loads  2.13 Prediction of Cumulative Fatigue Damage  2.14 Surface Fatigue Failure:Wear  References  ProblemsChapter 3 SHAFTS AND ASSOCIATED PARTSChapter 4 BEARINGS AND LUBRICATIONChapter 5 SPUR GEARSChapter 6 HELICAL,BEVEL,AND WORM GEARSChapter 7 BELTS,CHAINS,CLUTCHES,AND BRAKESChapter 8 SPRINGSChapter 9 POWER SCREWS,FASTENERS,AND CONNECTIONSAppendix AUNITSAppendix BMATERIAL PROPERTIESAppendix CSTRESS CONCENTRATION FACTORSAppendix DUGURAL'S PREFACE IN ORIGINAL EDITIONIndex教師反饋表



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  •   比另外一本機械設計要簡單一些,都是比較淺顯的內容
  •   英文縮編版本,內容整體還可以,但總體不到300頁的書不大可能把機械設計這個大學科講得很詳細的
  •   Notasgoodasexpected.

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