
出版時間:2002-1  出版社:重慶大學(xué)  作者:Gregory  頁數(shù):183  




AcknowledgementsDedicationIntroduction1 The Background to Harvey's DiscoveryCalenCalen on, the Heart and BloodHarveyThe RenaissanceVesatiusFabriciusRenaissance ArtRenaissance Art and Anatomy2 Harvey's Discovery of the CirculationDe Motu CordisThe CirculationThe Venous ValvesThe Ligature ExperimentsThe Flow-Rate ExperirnentThe Motion of the HeartThe Pulse and the Heart Valves3 The Nature of Harvey's DiscoveryThe Scientific RevolutionHarvey and AristodeHarvey and QuantifcationHarvey and Mechanical ModelsHarvey and the Natural Magic TraditionHarvey and WitchcraftHarvey and the Scientific Revolulion4 The Reception of Harvey's DiscoveryOpposition to HarveyThe Theory of 'Ebullition'What is Actually Seen?Other ObjectionsThe Dispute with DescartesHarvey's Later WorkConclusionFurther ReadingGlossary


  Vesalius frontispiece is a completely different matter. Here we have a magnificent example of the new use of proportion and perspective, and there are many typical Renaissance devices to draw your eye to the central focal point. So too, the characters have that glorious Renaissance animation to them, of people interested in a quest for knowledge. In the 1493 woodcuts, we can clearly see the division of labour between the professor reading from a text and the barber surgeon actually per-forming the dissection. Dissection also often employed the services of an ostensor (see Figure5b) , whose job was to point out the parts of the body being referred to by the professor as the barber surgeon laid them bare. Vesalius himself is the central character in his own frontispiece, and he has broken down this division and is both dissecting and teaching. As he did some of his own drawings as well, he has good claims to be considered a Renaissance polymath.Look at the spectators too. In Figure Sb, no one seems particularly interested in the dissection.Perhaps the characters talking to each other are debating points of anatomy, perhaps they are just gossiping, but there is no great animation about them. Compare the Vesalius frontispiece, in which everyone is clamouring0 to see and to learn. That seems representative of the new attitude of the Renaissance. The three large characters in ancient dress in the fore ground are supposed to be ancient Greek an atomists, who are also interested in the new know ledge. Vesalius does not want to break with the ancients, so they are given heroic poses and an important place, but they too wish to learn new things about the body. Vesalius, like so many in the Renaissance, looks back to antiquity whilst at-tempting to push its achievements further forward. The skeleton may be there to emphasise the importance of the bones as the foundation of the body, an important matter for Vesalius in De Fabrica, although it may simply be a typical Renaissance motif as a reminder of man's mortality. Let us now compare a diagram from the pre-Vesalius period (Figure 7) with some of those we can find in De Fabrica (Figures 8 and 9).  ……





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