出版時(shí)間:2009-10 出版社:波特(Rick Potter) 華南理工大學(xué)出版社 (2009-10出版) 作者:波特 頁數(shù):175
I already know a lot about you, but I would never claim to be a mind reader, a fortune teller, or a guru. You are either in a bookstore, in a library, at home, or in one of my seminars, reading this right now. Maybe a friend loaned you this book to read. I know you are either an ambitious person, or you want to know how to fulfill your ambitions. In either case, you desire to be successful, or to be more successful. Am I right? Again, I'm not a mind reader or fortune teller, I could be totally wrong.Anyway, what I can tell you for sure is that by reading this book, if you are not already successful, you will learn how to be successful not only in business, but in life in general. If you already consider yourself to be achieving a certain measure of success, then you will become even more successful.I've spent over 30 years of studying the world's most successful people, and now I have decided to share their qualities and "secrets" with you. All this material you are about to embark on has been tried, tested, and proven to provide you with the success of your dreams.
This book is focused on explaining the qualities that the most successful people share. By learning about these qualities, you'll know which qualities you'll need to begin releasing within yourself. Remember, everyone already has these qualities, but they are either kept hidden inside of us, or not being used effectively. This book will show you how to unleash and effectively use what you already have, to your fullest potential.
作者:(美國)波特(Rick Potter)Rick Potter, a permanent resident of Chinasince February of 2008, was born and raised inCalifornia, U.S.A.At the age of twenty, Rick acquired his first investment, an advertising business, which had been poorly operated and managed. Rick renamed it, and managed it back to life, making it one of the most successful advertising companies in Southern California. Finding his niche, Rick began acquiring, and starting other businesses, all of which became successful. Throughout his life, Rick has owned nearly twenty companies of various sorts.The word quickly spread, and Rick became a consultant for various business owners in the town he lived in, Soon after, Rick became a highly sought after speaker and writer of success and motivational material. He has also been a member of the Ethic' s Committee, and in the top 5% in the wodd for one of his businesses, a Real Estate Investment Company.Having been to many countries around the world, Rick tries to remain active, enjoying all sporting activities including sailing; scuba diving; rock climbing; basketball; golf; and much more. Rick played semi-professional baseball, and is a Certified Dive Master with the National Association of Underwater Instructors.Since being in China, Rick Potter has spoken to students and business people in Hunan; Guangxi; and Guangdong, with many more provinces currently in the works. Rick is currently the principal for Dahua Training Centre, in Huizhou, and has written articles for various publications, including Huizhou Commerce.
Chapter 1 Goal Setting and Self-discipline!Self-disciplineGoal SettingIt's Okay to Change Your MindLooking for OpportunityChapter 2 You Attract into Your Life What YouThink about!The Law of AttractionChapter 3 Talk Positive to Yourself!OptimistPessimistBe EnergeticAffirmationsThe Handclap and Rub (The H&R)My Challenge to YouChapter 4 The Road to Success!RiskLife RoadSafe RoadRisk RoadObstaclesChapter 5 Fly with the Eagles, Don't Flock with theChickens!Eagles and ChickensFly with the EaglesDon't Flock with ChickensAlways SmileLove Your JobKeep It CasualKeep It TallChapter 6 Rehearse Your Success!Write Your Visualization on PaperRelax and Visualize (Meditation Technique)Be AccountableDream BoardChapter 7 Think outside the Box!How to Think outside the BoxChapter 8 Neutralizing the Fear of FailureProcrastinationAct Immediately and Boldly!Be Persistent !See Failure as Just a Mistake!Try- Something Different!Understand What Failure Is!Recognize That with Every Mistake, There Lies AnotherOpportunity !Make Mistakes Faster!Weigh the Return of Trying!Think Positive !Chapter 9 Burn Your Past!The Consequences of BlamingTaking ResponsibilityBurn Your Negative PastChapter 10 Let's Get Motivated!Internal MotivationExternal MotivationFoundations for Improving Your MotivationChapter 11 Getting over Speed BumpsSpeed BumpsSelf DoubtPersistenceChapter 12 Exhibit Your Confidence!SmileTeach OthersWalk, Sit, and Stand TallAccept Compliments GracefullyRemember Your Past AchievementsBe HealthyChapter 13 The Three Ps of Success!PassionPreparationPerseveranceDevelop an Attitude for AptitudeChapter 14 51 Days of Affirmations!Chapter 15 Your Success in a Nutshell!AcknowledgmentsRead What Other People Have Written about RickAuthor's Message
I went to college and majored in psychology, but something along the way made me change my mind. I went to law school to become a lawyer like my father, but realized I didn't want to follow in my father's footsteps either. I experimented with different professions before I finally decided what it was I wanted to do. As I said, this is normal and is part of the growing-up phase. I didn't learn anything about goal setting until years later. All my thoughts of success were just dreams that I hoped would come true someday.In my experience, I've determined that most people tend to change their minds while going to a university. It is the university atmosphere in which people experience the most growth and changes in their maturity levels. I've met several university students, not only here in China but in America as well, who are still confused about what they want to do in life. They started their university life with a specific goal in mind, but after two or three years, they decided that their original goal wasn't really what they wanted anymore. They would say to me, "Rick, I'm very confused and don't know what I want to do with my life anymore. I feel like I've wasted so much time already. "
《我能行》:Why are some people more successful than others?What qualities do successful people have?Can anyone achieve success?The Book that is improving lives!Begin you Journey Today!Live a Happier and More Successful Life!