
出版時間:2010-8  出版社:華南理工大學(xué)  作者:寧天舒//陳琴珍  頁數(shù):306  




本書基于工作任務(wù)及任務(wù)情景來設(shè)計單元教學(xué)模塊,以涉外導(dǎo)游工作對英語的需求以及旅游主要環(huán)節(jié)的時間順序和邏輯關(guān)系為主線,比較全面地介紹了涉外旅游工作的各個環(huán)節(jié),包括旅游預(yù)定、入境及接站、酒店入住、客房服務(wù)、餐飲服務(wù)、導(dǎo)游服務(wù)、城市觀光、送站及離境、投訴處理等,同時還涉及旅游常識、自然景觀、人文景觀、飲食文化、跨文化交際等諸多方面的知識?! ”緯粌H可作為旅游專業(yè)的教材,也可作為旅行社導(dǎo)游的工作手冊,同時對非旅游專業(yè)的學(xué)生或喜愛英語語言學(xué)習(xí)的人員來說,《實用旅游英語》亦能幫助他們拓寬知識面,增強(qiáng)交際能力。


UnIt 1 Tour ReservatIon SectIon Ⅰ Lead-In SectIon Ⅱ ConversatIons SectIon ⅡI SpeakIng Activity SectIon Ⅳ Passage ReadIng  SectIon Ⅴ Term Study SectIon Ⅵ Tour Commentary SectIon Ⅶ WebtasksUnIt 2 ArrⅣal and PIckIng up Guests  SectIon Ⅰ Lead-In SectIon Ⅱ ConversatIons- SectIon ⅡI SpeakIng Activity SectIon Ⅳ Passage ReadIng SectIon Ⅴ Term Study SectIon Ⅵ Tour Commentary SectIon Ⅶ WebtasksUnIt 3 Hotel Check-In SectIon Ⅰ Lead-In SectIon Ⅱ ConversatIons SectIon ⅡI SpeakIng Activity SectIon Ⅳ Passage ReadIng SectIon Ⅴ Term Study  SectIon Ⅵ Tour Commentary SectIon Ⅶ WebtasksUnIt 4 HousekeepIng Service SectIon Ⅰ Lead-In SectIon Ⅱ ConversatIons SectIon ⅡI SpeakIng Activity SectIon Ⅳ Passage ReadIng SectIon Ⅴ Term Study SectIon Ⅵ Tour Commentary SectIon Ⅶ WebtasksUnIt 5 Food and Beverage Service SectIon Ⅰ Lead-In SectIon Ⅱ ConversatIons SectIon ⅡI SpeakIng Activity SectIon Ⅳ Passage ReadIng SectIon Ⅴ Term Study SectIon Ⅵ Tour Commentary SectIon Ⅶ WebtasksUnIt 6 Tour GuIde Service SectIon Ⅰ Lead-In SectIon Ⅱ ConversatIons SectIon ⅡI SpeakIng Activity SectIon Ⅳ Passage ReadIng SectIon Ⅴ Term Study SectIon Ⅵ Tour Commentary SectIon Ⅶ WebtasksUnIt 7 TourIng the CItIes SectIon ⅠLead-In SectIon Ⅱ ConversatIons SectIon ⅡI SpeakIng Activity SectIon Ⅳ Passage ReadIng SectIon Ⅴ Term Study SectIon Ⅵ Tour Commentary SectIon Ⅶ WebtasksUnIt 8 Hotel Check - out SectIon Ⅰ Lead-In SectIon Ⅱ ConversatIons SectIon ⅡI SpeakIng Activity SectIon Ⅳ Passage ReadIng SectIon Ⅴ Term Study SectIon Ⅵ Tour Commentary SectIon Ⅶ WebtasksUnIt 9 SeeIng TourIsts off and Departure SectIon Ⅰ Lead-In SectIon Ⅱ ConversatIons SectIon ⅡI SpeakIng Activity SectIon Ⅳ Passage ReadIng SectIon Ⅴ Term Study SectIon Ⅵ Tour Commentary SectIon Ⅶ WebtasksUnIt 10 DealIng wIth ComplaInts SectIon Ⅰ Lead-In SectIon Ⅱ ConversatIons SectIon ⅡI SpeakIng Activity SectIon Ⅳ Passage ReadIng SectIon Ⅴ Term Study SectIon Ⅵ Tour Commentary SectIon Ⅶ WebtasksUnIt 11 HandlIng Problems and EmergencIes SectIon Ⅰ Lead-In SectIon Ⅱ ConversatIons SectIon Ⅲ SpeakIng Activity SectIon Ⅳ Passage ReadIng SectIon Ⅴ Term Study SectIon Ⅵ Tour Commentary SectIon Ⅶ WebtasksAppendIx A World HerItage In ChInaAppendIx B NatIonal 5A ScenIc AreasAppendIx C Major Out-Bound Travel DestInatIons for ChInese CItIzen參考文獻(xiàn)


插圖:A: Good morning, sir! What can I do for you?B: I've just arrived at Taipei from England. I want to travel around Taipei.A: Well, there are a lot of tourist sites in Taipei. First, I suggest you visit the Palace Museum of Taipei. There you can see a lot of cultural relics and it will help you better understand Chinese history and culture.B: What else can I see there?A: The Museum has many imperial collections. And the bulk of the collection was treasures that had been passed down over the centuries through the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties.B: That's great! I am really interested in the Qing imperial collections.A: The Qing collection is immense in quantity and superb in quality among all the treasures.B: Where can I go sightseeing in Taipei?A: Taipei 101 Tower.B: What's that?A: Oh, it is the building over there, and it is the landmark of Taiwan.B: How tall is it? I guess it is the tallest building in Taiwan.A: It is 508-meter-tall and has 101 stories above ground and 5 stories below. And it's the tallest skyscraper in the world.B: Terrific! I'll try to get on the top of that building and have a bird-eye view of whole Taipei. Any other suggestions for me to go around?





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