
出版時間:2008-12  出版社:朱桂龍、吳江寧、 韓偉 華南理工大學(xué)出版社 (2008-12出版)  作者:朱桂龍,吳江寧,韓偉 著  頁數(shù):419  


  《第九屆國際知識與系統(tǒng)科學(xué)學(xué)術(shù)年會暨第四屆亞太國際知識管理年會聯(lián)合會議論文集(英文版)》收錄了“第四屆亞太國際知識管理年會暨第九屆國際知識與系統(tǒng)科學(xué)學(xué)術(shù)年會聯(lián)合會議”上的67篇論文,全書以“知識管理推動創(chuàng)新”為主題,具體內(nèi)容包括《Expert Mining and TCM Knowledge》《Analysis of Knowledge Networks within an Organization》《Automatic Taxonomy Creation for Domain Corpus》等。該書的出版能更好地了解國外的新成果和學(xué)科發(fā)展方向,從而加快亞太地區(qū)知識管理與系統(tǒng)科學(xué)的發(fā)展,進(jìn)一步推動我國知識管理的理論與實踐應(yīng)用。在金融風(fēng)暴下,為華南區(qū)面臨危機(jī)的企業(yè)更快走出危機(jī)提供管理方面的清晰思路。


Expert Mining and TCM KnowledgeA Participative E-Learning Model Based on Team CognitionAn Iterative Multi-Strategy Approach to ClassificationAn Optimal Collaboration Strategy for the Individual Resercher in the Knowledge Collaboration NetworkAn Overview of Recent Developments in Network ResearchAnalysis of Knowledge Networks within an OrganizationModeling Uncertainties of Technological Learning with Stochastic OptimizationResearch on The Model of Tacit Knowledge Transfer in the Enterprise in Complex NetworksAutomatic Taxonomy Creation for Domain CorpusImproving Automatic Text Document Clustering via Selecting a Small Amount of Labeled DataImproving Precision of Inter.Document Similarity Measure by Clustering SVDOntological Semantics Discovery for Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge ManagementA Collaborative Filtering Method Based on Both the Nearest and Potential NeighborsA Method Based on Similarity Scale for Multiple Attribute with Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy InformationA Method of Quickly Acquiring Knowledge Fragments for Emergency Decision-MakingAn Evolution Model of Emergency Based on Analysis of Snowstorm in South ChinaMultiple Attribute Decision Making with Uncertainty Using the ERApproach and OWA OperatorPrioritized Multi-Criteria Decision Making Based on T-norms and OWA OperatorUsing Ontology for Decision Support in Product Family DesignSemantic Interoperability for Enhancing Sharing and Learning through E-Government Knowledge-Intensive Portal ServicesA Master Hand Trains a Great Apprentice: The Analysis of a Typical Case about the Tacit Knowledge Management in Modern EnterpriseAn Empirical Investigation of the Perceptions and Attitudes of Employees toward Knowledge Sharing in Chinese Joint VenturesAn Empirical Study on Knowledge Transfer Influencing Factors in Software Process ImprovementAn Evaluation of Enterprise Wikis Using Media Choice TheoriesApplication of Knowledge Audit in the Process of Product DevelopmentCoordination in Multiagent-Based University ArchitectureCreativity's Cultural GeneDeveloping a Knowledge Management Strategy MapFunction Mechanism of Tacit Knowledge Management Based on the Core Competence of CorporationKnowledge Based Trust Secure Management System for Software OrganizationKnowledge Exchange in Construction ProjectsKnowledge Management in Learning OrganizationNuclear Knowledge Management in Stakeholder Community NetworksOrganizational Learning and Transformation: An Example of Two CasesOrganizational Learning, Culture & the Tragedy of the Commons in ChinaTracking Innovation Capability with Intellectual Capital.Research of a Value-Added Business Process-Oriented Model of Knowledge Process in Engineering Design EnterpriseResearch on Evaluation of Enterprise Knowledge Management Capability Based on Knowledge AuditResearch on Transmitting Willingness and Its Impacts in the Process of Skill TransmissionStrategy on Enterprise Knowledge Process Reengineering Based on Business Process ReengineeringTen Principles of Knowledge Creation in Open Source CommunityThe Adoption of Knowledge Management Systems: An Organizational Citizenship Behavior PerspectiveThe Role of Information and Communication Technologies in Knowledge ManagementThe Tacit Knowledge Acquisition: A Fundamental Way of Knowledge ManagementTowards the New Episteme: Basic Methodology for Knowledge and Tacit KnowledgeA Simple Self-Assessment Method for Organizational Knowledge ManagementA Vague Set Based MCDM Approach for Research Funding Program AssessmentHow Could We Overcome the Truncation Problem in Ranking the Importance of Patents? ——Submitted to KSS' 2008An Integrated Systematic Approach for Mutual Funds Management Companies' Competence EvaluationDetermining Risk Management Strategies under Uncertain EnvironmentsInformatization Complex Mechanism Integration Research Based on the Fusion of Multi-Agents of NicheInteraction Technology in Kids' Education Based on Tablet PCThe Fuzzy Reasoning Method and Its Application Based on Information DistributionA Service Oriented Agent ModelAn Agent-Based Modeling Framework to Study Scientific Collaboration NetworksAn Intelligent Process-Oriented Knowledge Management System between Human, Process and KnowledgeEstablishing a National E-Culture Heritage Repository for MalaysiaImplementation of Human-Machine Interaction of CorMap Analysis in On-Line Conferencing BaModeling of Regression-Based Rainfall Prediction over MyanmarSmall and Medium-Sized Enterprises Oriented Competitive Intelligence Service PlatformWeb Based Information Retrieval for Myanmar Unicode PagesA Moderating Model of Trust in Conflict ManagementApproach to Regional Economic Development: Aiming for University-Region New Educational PartnershipRequisite Holism in a Sustainable Model of Dynamic Management of CO2 EmissionsDevelopment of Optimum Neural Network Model for Rainfall Prediction SystemEstimation of Attribute Weights for Naive Bayes Classifier by Using Data Clustering and Decision TreeA Codifying Method for Graphics Knowledge Management



    第九屆國際知識與系統(tǒng)科學(xué)學(xué)術(shù)年會暨第四屆亞太國際知識管理年會聯(lián)合會議論文集 PDF格式下載

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