
出版時間:2012-8  出版社:華中師范大學(xué)出版社  作者:鄧緒新,郭萍 主編  頁數(shù):367  字?jǐn)?shù):430000  




Chapter 1 Great Britain
1.General Introduction
2.Land and People
2.1 Geographical Situations
2.2 Natural Resources
2.3 People and Their Character
3.1 The Dawn of Civilisation to the Norman Conquest (4000
3.2 Middle Ages--from the Anglo-Saxons to the House of York
3.3 From the Middle Ages to the Modern Era (1485--1714)
3.4 Rise to a World Power(1714--1914)
3.5 Great Britain Between 1914 and 1945
3.6 Britain in the Second Half of the 20th Century
3.7 Britain in the 21st Century
4.Government and Politics
4.1 Government
4.2 Parties
4.3 Justice and Law
4.4 Local Government
4.5 Foreign Relations and Military
5.1 Economic History of the UK
5.2 Economic Sectors
5.3 Governance and Regulation
6.Society and Culture
6.1 Social Welfare
6.2 Family Life
6.3 Education
6.4 Religion
6.5 Literature, Music, Theatre, Film, Television and Sports
6.6 Etiquette and Customs
6.7 Holidays and Festivals
Chapter 2 The United States of America
1.General Introduction
2.Land and People
2.1 The Land
2.2 People
3.1 Colonial Era
3.2 American Revolution(1776--1789)
3.3 Territorial Expansion and Westward Movement
3.4 The American Civil War (1861--1865)
3.5 Homestead Act and Emancipation Proclamation
3.6 Industrial Growth
3.7 The United States in World War Ⅰ
3.8 The United States in the 1920s--1930s
3.9 The United States in World War Ⅱ
3.10 The United States from 1991 to Present
4.Government and Politics
4.1 Political Principles
4.2 Three Branches
4.3 Political Life
4.4 Government Policy
5.1 Economic History
5.2 Agriculture
5.3 Manufacturing
5.4 High-Tech Industry
5.5 New Economy
5.6 Role of Government in Economy
6.Society and Culture
6.1 Social Welfare
6.2 Family Life
6.3 Education
6.4 Religion
6.5 Arts
6.6 Etiquette and Customs
6.7 Holidays and Festivals
Chapter 3 Canada
1.General Introduction
2.Land and People
2.1 Geographical Situation
2.2 Natural Resources
2.3 People and Their Character
2.4 Canada and Maple Leaf
4.Government and Politics
4.1 Government
4.2 Political Parties
4.3 Justice and Law
4.4 Provinces and Territories
4.5 Foreign Relations and Military
5.1 Economic System
5.2 Industry and Commerce
5.3 Agriculture
5.4 Transportation and Communications
5.5 Science and Technology
6.Society and Culture
6.1 Social Welfare
6.2 Family Life
6.3 Holidays and Festivals
6.4 Education
6.5 Religion
6.6 Arts
Chapter 4 Australia
1.General Introduction
2.Land and People
2.1 Geographical Situations
2.2 Natural Resources
2.3 People and Their Character
3.1 First Inhabitants
3.2 European Exploration
3.3 Colonial Period
3.4 Federation
3.5 The Impact of the Two World Wars
4.Government and Politics
4.1 The Constitution
4.2 Government
4.3 Parties
4.4 Justice and Law
4.5 Foreign Relations and Military
4.6 Defense and Security
5.1 Economic System
5.2 Industry and Commerce
5.3 Agriculture
Chapter 5 New Zealand
Chapter 6 Ireland



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