
出版時間:2011-6  出版社:華中師范大學(xué)出版社  作者:張隆勝,楊虹 主編  頁數(shù):209  




Unit 1 College--A New Experience
Part One Getting into the Topic
Part Two Listening Tasks
  Task One Short Conversations
  Task Two Long Conversations
    Conversation 1 Adapting to College Life
    Conversation 2 Welcome to Our University
  Task Three Short Passages
   Passage 1 Feeling Terrible or Fine?
   Passage 2 What Does“Credit”Mean?
Part Three Speaking out
Part Four Testing Yourself
Part Five Enj oying Yourself
Song Lire Is So Cool
Unit 2 My Family
 Part One Getting into the Topic
 Part Two Listening Tasks
  Task One Short Conversations
  Task Two Long Conversatio ns
   Conversation 1 You Have a Pretty Big Family!
    Conversation 2 Tom’S Immediate Family
  Task Three Short Passages
   Passage 1 What Does Family Mean tO,You?
   Passage 2 Tanya’S Annoyance
Part Three Speaking out
Part Four Testing Yourself
Part Five Enjoying Yourself
 Song Family
Unit 3 What a Busy Day!
 Part One Getting into the Topic
Part Two Listening Tasks
  Task One Short Conversations
  Task Two Long Conversations
    Conversation 1 Jack’S Usual Day
    Conversation 2 I'm Kind of Busy
  Task Three Short Passages
   Passage 1 My Daily Routine at the Hotel
   Passage 2 Are You Busy?
Part Three Speaking out
Part Four Testing Yourself
Part Five Enj oying Yourself
Song Bad Day
Unit 4 Job
 Part One Getting into the Topic
Part Two Listening Tasks
  Task One Short Conversations
  Task Two Long Conversations
    Conversation 1 A New Job Offer。
    Conversation 2 Part-time J ob
  Task Three Short Passages
   Passage 1 My Dream tO Be a Journalist
   Passage 2 Tips for an Interview
Part Three Speaking out
Unit 10 Reservatlon



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