
出版時間:2011-6  出版社:華中師范大學出版社  作者:張維友,舒白梅 主編,熊兵,肖家燕 分冊主編  頁數:208  




Unit 1 Leisure and Vacation
Readin9 1 Just Sit back and Relaxl
Readin9 2 Leisure Play is Important for Human
Unit 2 Religion and Belief
Readin9 1 A Sailor’S Christmas Gift
Readin9 2 Eastern Religion and Philosophy
Unit 3 Science and Innovation
Readin9 1 Fat Facts
Readin9 2 Mad Science
Unit 4 Housing and Home
Readin9 1 Closing the Door on a Home
Readin9 2 Making It in China
Unit 5 Nature and Disaster
Readin9 1 In the Blazing Eye of the Infern0
Readin9 2 Natural DisastersProtect Your Identity
Unit 6 Employment and Career
Readin9 1 No Gumption
Readin9 2 The Shifting Definition of Worker
Unit 7 Medicine and Health
Reading 1 A Nation of Hypochondriacs
Readin9 2 Every Breath You Take
Unit 8 NeWS and Media
 Readin9 1 Killing the Messenger
 Readin9 2 BitsBands and Books
Unit 9 Energy and Resources
Readin9 1 Light is the Bright IDEA for Transport
Readin9 2 Shining Light on the Cost of Solar Energy
Unit 10 Film and Cinema
Reading 1 Avatar Ascendant
Readin9 2 Early Cinema
Unit 11 Fashion and Style
Readin9 1 The Real Skinny
Readin9 2 The Fashion Industry’S Old Business Model is out
of Style
Unit 12 Sports and Games
Readin9 1 DrugsSports’Prisoner’S Dilemma
Readin9 2 Athletes should not be Role
Unit 13 Art and Architecturet
Readin9 1 Thinking Architecture
Readin9 2 The Monster
Unit 14 History and Civilization
Readin9 1 To know Yourself,Get to Know the Dead
Readin9 2 Being a Teenage History Buff



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