
出版時間:2008-5  出版社:華中師范大學出版社  作者:高曉芳  頁數(shù):245  


本書共七章,內(nèi)容涉及學科緣起、語用意義、指示、含意、合作原則、關聯(lián)理論、預設、言語行為理論及會話分析。此外,每章附有練習、思考問題和閱讀書目。     本書注重學術規(guī)范性與第一手文獻的使用,力求對理論進行深入淺出的講解、分析,并合理利用腳注對相關內(nèi)容予以必要的補充說明,這樣既避免沖淡主題,又為讀者查閱所需材料提供便利。每章對重要內(nèi)容進行了言簡意賅的總結(jié),讀者可借助這些歸納對相關要點進行復習與回顧。各章練習設計盡量采用真實語料,其間穿插富有啟發(fā)性的思考問題,以使讀者運用所學知識分析語言應用實踐,進而將知識學習與科研探索相結(jié)合。鑒于目前語用學較為豐富的文獻資料,本書在每章的結(jié)束處提供了閱讀書目,讀者可以根據(jù)個人的興趣和條件,利用這些書目進行擴展閱讀,以拓寬學術視野。


Chapter Ⅰ  Pragmatics and pragmatic aspects of language use   1.1  A historical overview of the term "pragmatics"   1.2  Pragmatics as a branch of linguistics   1.3  Pragmatic aspects of language use      1.3.1  Appropriacy      1.3.2  Indirect meaning      1.3.3  Indeterminacy      1.3.4  Context   1.4  The scope of pragmatics   Exercises and reviewing questions   Further readingChapter Ⅱ  Deixis   2.1  The notion of deixis   2.2  Deictic usage vs.non-deictic usage   2.3  Types of deixis     2.3.1 Person deixis     2.3.2 Time deixis     2.3.3 Place deixis     2.3.4  Discourse deixis     2.3.5  Social deixis   Exercises and reviewing questions   Further readingChapter Ⅲ  Implicature and cooperative principle   3.1  The notion of conversational implicature   3.2  Cooperative principle in theory of conversational implicature   3.3  Types of conversational implicature      3.3.1  Standard conversational implicature via observing maxims      3.3.2  Particularized conversational implicature via flouting maxims      3.3.3  Generalized conversational implicature   3.4  Features of conversational implicature   3.5  Importance of Grice's theory of conversational implicature   3.6  Conventional implicatures   Exercises and reviewing questions   Further readingChapter Ⅳ  Relevance theory   4.1  General introduction   4.2  Cognitive environment and mutual manifestness   4.3  Relevance and cognitive principle of relevance      4.3.1  Relevance      4.3.2  Cognitive principle of relevance   4.4  Relevance and communication      4.4.1  Optimal relevance      4.4.2  Communicative principle of relevance   4.5  Ostensive-inferential communication      4.5.1  Ostensive communication on the part of the                 communicator      4.5.   Further readingChapter Ⅴ  Presupposition   5.1  Philosophical background   5.2  Semantic presupposition      5.2.1  Presupposition triggers      5.2.2  Defeasibility      5.2.3  The projection problem   5.3  Pragmatic presupposition   Exercises and reviewing questions   Further readingChapter Ⅵ  Speech act theory   6.1  Introduction   6.2  Austin's speech act theory: origin and foundation      6.2.1  Constatives and performatives      6.2.2  Felicity conditions      6.2.3  Features of performatives      6.2.4  Three kinds of speech act      6.2.5  Austin's classification of illocutionary acts   6.3  Searle's speech act theory: revision and development      6.3.1  The redefinition of speech act      6.3.2  Reclassification of speech act      6.3.3  Searle's felicity conditions      6.3.4  Reclassification of illocutionary acts      6.3.5  Indirect speech acts   6.4  The late development of speech act theory      6.4.1  The study on perlocution      6.4.2  The applied study of speech acts   Exercises and reviewing questions   Further readingChapter Ⅶ Conversation analysis   7.1  Introduction   7.2  Turn-taking      7.2.1  Definition and features of turn-taking      7.2.2  The turn-taking system   7.3  Adjacency pairs   7.4  Conversation structure      7.4.1 Overlap, pause and backehannel item      7.4.2  Pre-sequences, insertion sequences and post-sequences   7.5  Preference organization      7.5.1  Preference in repairs      7.5.2  Preferred and dispreferred second turns   Exercises and reviewing questions   Further readingReferencesAppendix: transcription conventions




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用戶評論 (總計2條)


  •   我們老師編的,上課必須用,沒得說咯。。
  •   和我學到的內(nèi)容有些差別,例子不足。一般般。

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