
出版時間:2004-2  出版社:華中師范大學出版社  作者:張維友  頁數:257  


《英語詞匯教程》(以下簡稱《教程》)是筆者在多年實踐的基礎上整理而成的?!督坛獭吩诒A粼~匯學傳統的知識結構基礎上,盡可能融進本學科新的研究成果,著力反映詞匯的新發(fā)展,并首次引進了篇章詞匯語義學的內容。本書的著眼點在于實用,因此,理論上闡述深入淺出,刪繁就簡。同時博采例征,提供豐富的素材。該書配備了相當數量的練習題和思考題,以便鞏固學習內容,學以致用?!督坛獭纷?997年問世以來,深受廣大師生的歡迎,先后重印六次?! ?1世紀到來,科學技術日新月異,信息知識瞬息萬變。近幾年來,詞匯學領域出現了不少新的研究成果。為了緊跟時代步伐,與時俱進,筆者感到有必要對《教程》進行修訂。本書把原第三章的某些內容獨立成章,進行了重寫。第二章新增兩節(jié),闡述當代英語的特征和發(fā)展趨勢。對辭書部分進行了較大的改動,不僅增加了20世紀90年代未期和21世紀前三年出現的新辭書,還專辟一節(jié)詳盡地介紹四部優(yōu)秀詞典,大增加了該書的時效性和實用價值。


Chapter 1 The Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabulanr  1.1 The Definition of a Word  1.2 Vocabulary  1.3 Sound and Meaning  1.4 Sound and Form  1.5 Classification of Words   1.Basic Word Stock and Nonbasic Vocabulary   2.Content Words and Functional Words   3.Native Words and Borrowed Words  Questions and Tasks Chapter 2 The Development of the English Vocabulary  2.1 The Indo-European Language Family  2.2 Three Phases of the Historical DeveloDment   1.Old English(450?1150)   2.Middle English(1150--1500)   3.Modern English(1500 up to the present)  2.3 General Characteristics   1.Receptivity,Adaptability and HeteFOgeneity   2.Simplicity of Inflection   3.Relatively Fixed Word?order  2.4 Foreign Elements in the English Vocabularv   1.Latin   2.Greek   3. French   4. Scandinavian   5. Other Foreign Elements  2.5 Growth of Contemporary English Vocabulary  2.6 Modes of Vocabulary Development  Questions and Tasks Chapter 3 Morphological Structure of English Words  3.1 Morphemes  3.2 Morphs and Allomorphs  3.3 Classifying Morphemes   1. Free versus Bound Morphemes   2. Derivational versus Inflectional Morphemes   3. Content versus Grammatical Morphemes  3.4 Identifying Morphemes  3.5 Morpheme and Word-formation   1. Affix   2. Root, Stem, Base  Questions and Tasks Chapter 4 Word Formation  4.1 Affixation   1. Prefixation   2. Suffixation  4.2 Compounding   1. Characteristics of Compounds   2. Formation of Compounds  4.3 Conversion   1. Conversion to Nouns   2. Conversion to Verbs  3. Conversion to Adjectives  4.4 Blending  4.5 Clipping   4.6 Acronymy   1. Initialisms   2. Acronyms  4.7 Back-formation  4.8 Sound Reduplication  4.9 Commonization of Proper Names  Questions and Tasks Chapter 5 Word Meaning and Componential Analysis  5.1 Word Meaning   I. Reference   2. Concept   3. Sense  5.2 Motivation   1. Onomatopoeic Motivation   2. Morphological Motivation   3. Semantic Motivation :   4; Etymological Motivation  5.3 Types of Meaning   1. Grammatical Meaning and Lexical Meaning   2. Conceptual Meaning and Associative Meaning  5.4 Componential Analysis  Questions and Tasks Chapter 6 Sense Relations  6.1 Polysemy   1. Two Approaches to Polysemy   2. Two Processes of Development  6.2 Homonymy   1. Types of Homonyms   2. Origins of Homonyms   3. Differentiation of I-brmnyms frcxn Polysmiants   4. Rhetoric Features of Homonyms  6.3 Synonymy   1. Definition of Synonyms   2. Types of Synonyms   3. Sources of Synonyms   4. Discrimination of Synonyms  6.4 Antonymy   1. Types of Antonyms   2. Some of the Characteristics of Antonyms   3. The Use of Antonyms  6.5 Hyponymy  6.6 Semantic Field  Questions and Tasks Chapter 7 Changes in Word Meaning  7.1 Types of Change   1. Extension of Meaning   2. Narrowing of Meaning   3. Elevation of Meaning   4. Degradation of Meaning   5. Transference of Meaning   6. Euphemism  7.2 Mechanism of Change  7.3 Causes of Change   1. Extra-linguistic Factors   2. Linguistic Factors  Questions and Tasks Chapter 8 Meaning and Context  8.1 Types of Context   1. Extra-linguistic Context   2. Linguistic Context  8.2 The Role of Context   1. Elimination of Ambiguity   2 Indication of Referents   3. Provision of Clues for Inference of Word-meaning  Questions and Tasks Chapter 9 English Idioms  9.1 Characteristics of Idioms   1. Semantic Unity   2. Structural Stability  9.2 Classification of Idioms   1. Idioms Nominal in Nature   2. Idioms Adjectival in Nature   3. Idioms Verbal in Nature   4. Idioms Adverbial in Nature   5. Sentence Idioms  9.3 Use of Idioms   1. Stylistic Features   2. Rhetorical Features   3. Variations of Idioms  Questions and Tasks Chapter 10 English Dictionaries  10.1 The Development of the Dictionary   1. Early Glossaries and Word Books   2. Modern English Dictionaries   3. American Dictionaries  10.2 Types of Dictionaries   1. Monolingual and Bilingual Dictionaries   2. Linguistic and Encyclopaedic Dictionaries   3. General Purpose Dictionaries   4. Specialized Dictionaries  10.3 Using the Dictionary   1. Choice of Dictionaries   2. Making Full Use of the Dictionary  10.4 Recommending Four Dictionaries   1. Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary (1997)   2. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English--English-Chinese (2001)   3. Collins COBUILD English Dictionary (2000)   4. Longman Language Activator (1997)  Questions and Tasks Chapter 11 Aspects of Vocabulary Learning  11.1 Vocabulary Storage  11.2 Schematic Learning  11.3 Learning by Lexical Phrases  11.4 Learning Words in Discourse   1. Cohesion   2. Discourse Markers and Organizers  Questions and Tasks REFERENCES 詞匯學時語英漢對照表






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