
出版時間:2002-3  出版社:西南師范大學出版社  作者:覃朝憲,等 編  


  本套教材是由西南師范大學外語部和渝州大學公外教研室、西南農業(yè)大學外語系等學校的部分教師根據國家教委提出的大學英語教學再上一個臺階的要求,結合1995年國家教委制訂的大學英語通用大綱詞匯表和1996年四級統(tǒng)考出現的新題型而共同設制的閱讀教程。這套教材課文選自原文材料,有些略有刪改。課文力求內容新穎,題材廣泛,注重語言能力的培養(yǎng)和準確的翻譯理解,集知識性,趣味性,科學性,可讀性于一體,適合大學非英語專業(yè)學生使用?! ”緯鵀椤洞髮W英語閱讀教程》第1冊,供大學英語一級學生和教師使用。  本冊共十二個單元,每單元包括三篇文章。第一篇:泛讀,旨在提高學生的閱讀能力,語言能力和翻譯能力;第二篇:快速閱讀,重點培養(yǎng)學生的閱讀速度和語感,要求學生在課堂內8分鐘讀完;第三篇:深層次理解,重點培養(yǎng)學生的推理判斷能力和綜合歸納能力,要求學生在課外閱讀,教師在課堂內講解。  學生用書我們未附上泛讀參考譯文、語言背景知識和答案?! ”咎捉滩牡目偩幬撠熃滩牡目傮w設計,各冊間的協(xié)調平衡、協(xié)助主編教材、修改和審訂全套教材,本冊由尹明祥協(xié)助主編具體負責選材和審訂工作。副主編王玉云負責全書的統(tǒng)稿工作。




《大學英語閱讀教程1》目錄:UNIT 1EvolutionUNIT 2Police on BicyclesUNIT 3The Information AgeUNIT 4How to Cope with InsomniaUNIT 5Learn How to ListenUNIT 6A Letter to My Favorite TeacherUNIT 7Laugh, Teachers, Laugh!UNIT 8Darkness at NoonUNIT 9Political System of USAUNIT 10Education in USSRUNIT 11The Husband Who VanishedUNIT 12History Provides Guidance for Future附錄大學英語一級通用大綱詞匯表《大學英語閱讀教程2》目錄:UNIT 1How to StudyCivilization And HistoryUNIT 2Ten Football Stars and Yours TrulyUNIT 3Establishment of United NationsUNIT 4The Best Advice I Ever HadUNIT 5Are These the Best Years of Your LifeUNIT 6Energy Sense Makes Future SenseUNIT 7This Year It's Going to Be DifferentUNIT 8The First Postage StampUNIT 9Miracle at NiagaraUNIT 10The Country LifeUNIT 11The Grand CanyonUNIT 12The Cash-free Society附錄大學英語二級通用大綱詞匯表《大學英語閱讀教程3》目錄:UNIT 1How to Find a JobUNIT 2The Information Superhighway: What's in it for You?UNIT 3Women's WorkUNIT 4Japanese Style in Decision-making"UNIT 5Why Are You Laughing?'UNIT 6The LotteryUNIT 7Man of WisdomUNIT 8Bargain ( I )UNIT 9Bargain (Ⅱ)UNIT 10Keeping the Heart's Door OpenUNIT 11Come Back to Life in SydneyUNIT 12Whitman: American's First Urban Poet附錄大學英語三級通用大綱詞匯表《大學英語閱讀教程4》目錄:前言UNIT 1My Father's Lively Little MysteryUNIT 2ShameUNIT 3A Horseman in the SkyUNIT 4The Flu: Sure Nuisance, Possible DisasterUNIT 5The Long Sleep of HerculaneumUNIT 6Why Am I So TiredUNIT 7American Higher EducationUNIT 8The Heart of "Soul"UNIT 9Daylight Saving: More Than a Trick of TimeUNIT I0The Tasty Tomato And Other Future MarvelsUNIT 11The 800th LifetimeUNIT 12Who Murdered Marilyn Mornroe?附錄大學英語四級通用大綱詞匯表


  Now there was shame everywhere. It seemed like the whole world had been in-side that classroom, everyone had heard what the teacher had said, everyone hadturned around and felt sorry for me. There was shame in going to the Worthy BoysAnnual Christmas Dinner4 for you and your kind, because everybody knew what aworthy boy was. Why couldn't they just call it the Boys Annual Dinner~ why'd theyhave to give it a name? There was shame in wearing the brown and orange and whiteplaid mackinaw the welfare gave to three thousand boys. Why'd it have to be the samefor everybody so when you walked down the street the people could see you were onrelief? It was a nice warm mackinaw and it had a hoods, and my Momma beat me andcalled me a little rat when she found out I stuffed it in the bottom of a pail full ofgarbage way over on Cottage Street. There was shame in running over to Mister Ben'sat the end of the day and asking for his rotten peaches, there was shame in askingMrs. Simmons for a spoonful of sugar, there was shame in running out to meet therelief truck. I hated that truck, full of food for you and your kind. I ran into thehouse and hid when it came. And then I started to sneak through alleys, to take thelong way home so the people going into White's Eat Shop wouldn't see me. Yeah, thewhole world heard the teacher that day, we all know you don't have a Daddy.  ……



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