
出版時間:2003-7  出版社:中國政法大學出版社  作者:普芬道夫  頁數:183  譯者:Michael Silverthorne  


在政治理論領域,“釗橋政治思想史原著系列”作為主要的學生教科叢書,如今巳牢固確立了其地位。本叢書旨地使學生能夠獲得從古臘到20世紀初期西方政治思想史方面所有最為重要的原著;它囊括了所有著名的經典原著,-但與此同時,它又擴展了傳統的評價尺度,以便能夠納入范圈廣泛.不那么出名的作品;而在此之前,這些作品中有許多從未有過現代英文版本可資利用。只要可能,所選原著都會以完整而不刪節(jié)的形式出版,其中的譯作則是專門為本叢書的目的而安排。每一本書都有一個評論性的導言,加上歷史年表、生平梗概、進一步閱讀指南.以及必要的詞二表和原文注解。本叢書的最終目的是,為西方政治思想的整個發(fā)展脈絡提供一個清晰的輪廓。    本叢書已出版著作的書目,請查閱書末。




Main works by Pufendorf and abbreviations pageChronlogy of Pufendorfs life and publicationsEditor s introductionBibliographyBibliographical noteTranslator s noteON THE DUTY OF MAN AND CITIZWN ACCORDING TO NATURAL LAWAuthor’s dedicationAuthor’s prefaceBook I   1 On human action  2 On the rule of human sctions,or on law in general  3 On natural law   4 On man’s duty to God ,or on natural religion  5 On duty to oneself  6 On the duty of every man to every man ,and first of not harming others  7 On recognizing men’s natural equality  8 On the common duties of humanity  9 On the duty of paarties to agreements in general  10 On the duty of men in the use of language   11 On the duties involved in taking an oath   12 On duty inb acquiring ownership of things   13 On the duties arising from ownership in itself   14 On value  15 On contuacts which presuppose value in ghings and on the duties they involve  16 On methods of dissolving obligations arising from agreements   17 On interpretationBook II  1 On men’s natural state  2 On the duties of marriage   3 On the duties of parents and children  4 On the duties of amsters and slaves  5 On the impulsive cause of constituting the state  6 On the internal structure of states   7 On the functions of the sovereign power  8 On the forms of government   9 On the characteristics of civil authoiy  10 On the ways of acquiring authority,particularly monarchical  11 On the duty of sovereigns  12 On civil laws in particular  13 On the right of life and death  14 On reputation  15 On the power of sovereign authoryity over property wityin the state  16 On war and pesce  17 On treaties   18 On the duties of citizensIndex




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