出版時(shí)間:2003-7 出版社:中國政法大學(xué)出版社 作者:葛蘭西 頁數(shù):350
This collection of Cisco’s pre-prison writings, newly translated and including a number of pieces not previously available in English, covers the whole gamut of his journalistic activity,ranging from general cultural criticism to commentaries on local, national and international events. These early articles reveal the genesis of many of the themes of the Prison Notebooks, such as the function of ls, the importance of cultural hegemony in holding societies together, and the role of the party in organizing a revolutionary consciousness. In particular, the collection highlights the specifically Italian political, cultural and social origins and much of Grass’s innovatory reworking of certain central concepts of Marxist thought. It will be of interest to a broad range of scholars and students concerned with the history of political, social and cultural thought in the entieth century.
AcknowledgementsIntroductionBibliographical NoteChronologyGlossary of TermsGlossary of Political,Labour and Other OrganizationsBiographical Outlines1 Our Marx An Active and Functional Neutrality Socialism and Culture History Socialism and Co-operation Notes on the Russian Revolution Why We Need a Cultural Association The Revolution Against Capital Critical Criticism Socialism and Economic Organization Socialism and Actualist Philosophy The Club of Moral Life Our Marx Class Intransigence and Italian History Cocaine Football and Scopone Cultural and Poetic Mysteries Men,Ideas,Newspapers and Money2 The Mew Order The Sovereignty of Law The Price of History Workers’Democracy The State and Socialism The Conquest of the State Unions and Councils The Trade Unions and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat Syndicalism and the Councils Out of the Dilemma The Historical Role of the Cities The Italian State The Drunken Soldier The Factory Worker Towards a Renewal of the Socialist Party The Factory Council Two Revolutions The Communist Groups The Programme of L’Ordine Nuovo The Communist Party Red Sunday3 Socialism and Fascism Russia and the International The Livorno Congress Socialists and Fascists Why the Bourgeoisie Can No Longer Govern the Country La Stampa and the Fascists Moral Problems and the Class Struggle The Two Fascisms Legality April and Seqtember1920 The Mainstay of the State The Essence of the Crisis Letter to Trotsky on Italian Futurism4 The Construction of the Italian Communist Party Our Union Policy Against Pessimism The Mezzogiorno and Fascism The Party School The Party Grows in Strength by Combating Anti-Leninist Deviations Cell Organization and the World Congress The Organizational Basis of the Party A Study of the Italian Situation The Soviet Union on the Path to Communism Letter to the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party Some Aspects of the Southern QuestionIndex
The farmers of the south lacked political muscle before the war.The only organ which propounded ideas favourable to their activity was a weekly paper called L'Unrta, run by Gaetano Salvemini. The Southem farmers had a flaw, which is a fatal one in a capitalist regime:山ey had very little money at their disposal, they were disor- garuzed, and their activity was archaic and not very profitable. The war has changed these conditions to some extent: it has put money in a lot of pockets, and, what is more, it has stimulated the spirit of uutiative and the capitalistic desire to get rich. In addition to L'Unita, which has become ever more important in the life of the narion, because of the sympathies its fiery and dogged campaigns,haye excited in the young and in intellectuals - the farmers now have at their disposal two great daily papers: Tempo, in Rome and Il Mezzo- giomo, in Naples, both founded in this last year. The Southern farmers have decided to give battle, and with no holds barred. The statements of their Chambers of Commerce are quite explicit about this, and those from the Chambers of Commerce in Bari and Cagliari will remain in the history of the Italian economy. The Commune“ Bari, presided over by Commendatore De Tullio, even went so far as to declaremat the farmers will pursue their struggle as far as is necessary, even at the cost of jeopardizing national unity. And, in reality, the farmers of the South have every reason to assume血is kind of attitude. The memory“the recent past is a terrifying spectacle for them. The crisis into which Southern Italy and the islands were pitilessly plunged during the Franco-Italian tariff war was a terrible thing. The export trade in agricultural products and livestock saw its most natural and profitable markets closed off to it.There followed a cut-back in activity which was all the more harmful because the forces of production were already weak and wavering. The big banks which had adnunistered credit for agricul- ture failed spectacularly, and the savings of thousands and thousands of small landholders, scraped together by blood and sacrifice -the sacrifice of their own children, but particularly of the rural prolet- ariat - all went to ruin. Terrible years, which in Sardinia, for example, have left the same kind of memories as the year 1812, when there were people dying“starvation in血e streets, and a bushel of grain would be surreptitiously bargained for the corresponding field of arable land. ……