
出版時(shí)間:2003-7  出版社:中國(guó)政法  作者:西德尼  頁數(shù):216  




作者:(英國(guó))西德尼(Sidney) 編譯:(英國(guó))Hans W.Blom 等


PrefaceNote on the textIntroductionPrincipal events in Sidney's lifeBibliographical noteBiographical notesCourt MaximsIndex of biblical quotationsIndex of proper namesIndex of subjects


  Thirdly, nothing is more conducive to the good of a state than the incessant care of the governor perpetually intent to procure the good ofit, which is most seen in hereditary monarchies, the monarch look- ing on the state as his patrimony descending to his heirs.  Fourthly, the government of a state requires that greatness of mind that is found only in those that from their infancy are bred up in the expectation of crowns. A nobleness of spirit inherent in their blood, increased by education, banishes out of their minds all those low thoughts which possess them who are born in meaner fortunes.  Fifthly, there is no greater encouragement unto gallantry than to act under the eye of a prince who alone is the judge and rewarder of what is done in his service. And we who know our fortune is made if we please only one master do cheerfully run through all dangers and troubles in the hope of gaining his favour who alone has the dis- posing of riches and honours.  Lastly, as we see, those monarchies have been most glorious that have been most absolute. The best and most learned authors as Plato, Aristotle, and many others, say the most perfect government is when all is in the power of one man, who is above the law, obliged to no law, being himself a living law; as the mind in the man, so he, as the mind or understanding of the body politic, rules all.  EUNOMIUS: why may not all these acts be performed by one body composed ofmany members as well as by one man?  PHILALE-rHES: this variety seems to me a certain spring ofperpetual confusion. A society so constituted will be like a chaos. Frigida pug- nabunt calidis; humentia siccis call it aristocracy, democracy, or what you will, it will in effect be no better than a mere anarchy.  ……






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