
出版時間:2003-7  出版社:中國政法  作者:莫里斯  頁數(shù):229  


  News from Nowhere(1890)is the most famous work of one of the greatest British writers and thinkers,William Morris.It is a utopoian picture of a future communist society,drawing on the worh of Ruskin and Marx and written in response to what Morris saw as soulless and mechanical visions of sovialism.In this work of his last years,Morris distilled many of his leading ideas on politics,art and society,imagining a world in which capitalism has been abolished by a works’revolution and nature and society have become beautiful habitations for hunmanity.In an era that has seen the collapse of state socialism,Morris's damning critique of this conception,and his positing of a powerful alternative,are compelling reasons for paying attention to this coassic of British socislism.


KRISHAN KUMAR is the William R.Kenan,Jr.Professor of Sociologry,Umiversity of Virginia .His publications include Prophecy and Progress(1978),Utopia and Anti-Utopia in Modem Time(1987),The Rise of Modem Socicty(1988)and Utopicnism(1991).


IntroductionChronologyBibliographical noteA note on the textNews from Nowhere 1 Discussion and bed 2 A morning bath 3 The guest house and breakfast 4 A market by the way  5 Chilcren on the road 6 A little shopping  7 Trafalgar Square 8 An old friend  9 Concerning love  10 Questions and answers 11 Concerning government  12 Concerning the arrangement of life 13 Concerning politics 14 How matters are managed 15 On the lack of incentive to labour in a communist society 16 Dinner in the hall of the Bloomsbury Market  17 How the change came 18 The beginning of the new life  19 The drive back to Hammersmith 20 THe Hammersmith guest house again 21 Going up the river  22 Hampton Court,and a praiser of past times 23 An early morning by Runnymede 24 Up the thames 25 The third day on the thames 26 The Obstinate Refusers 27 The upper waters  28 The little river 29 A resting-place on the upper thames 30 The journey’s end  31 An old house amongst new folk 32 The feast’s veginning -the endIndex


  'The strike went on this day also. The workmen's committees were extended, and gave relief to great numbers“people, for they had orgarused a considerable amount of production of food by men whom they could depend upon. Quite a number of well-to-do people were now compelled to seek relief of them. But another curious thing happened:a band of young men“the upper classes armed themselves, and coolly went marauding in the streets, taking what suited them of such eatables and portables that they came across in the shops which had ventured to open. Thus operation they carried out in Oxford Street, then a great street of shops of all kinds. The Government, being at that hour in one of their yielding moods, thought this a fine opportunity for showing their impartiality in the maintenance of "order", and sent to arrest these hungry rich youths; who, however, surprised the police by a valiant resistance, so that all but three escaped. The Govenment did not gain the reputation for impartiality which they expected from this move, for they forgot that there were no evening papers; and the account of the skirnush spread wide indeed, but in a distorted form; for it was mostly told simply as an exploit of the starving people from the East-end; and everybody thought it was but natural for the Government to put them down when and where they could.  'That evening the rebel prisoners were visited in their cells by very polite and sympathetic persons, who pointed out to them what a suicidal course they were following, and how dangerous these extreme courses were for the popular cause. Says one of the prisoners: "It is was great sport comparing notes when we came out anent the attempt of the Government to 'get at' us separately a prison, and how we answered the blandishments of the highly 'intelligent and refined' persons set on to pump us. One laughed; another told extravagant long-bow stories to the envoy;a third held a sulky silence;a fourth damned the polite spy and bade him hold his jaw - and that was all they got out of us."  ……


書評在政治理論領域,“劍橋政治思想史原著系列”作為主要的學生教科叢書,如今已牢固確立了其地位。本叢書旨在使學生能夠獲得從古希臘到20世紀初期西方政治思想史方面所有最為重要的原著。它囊括了所有著名的經典原著,但與此同時,它又擴展了傳統(tǒng)的評價尺度,  以便能夠納入范圍廣泛、不那么出名的作品。而在此之前,這些作品中有許多從未有過現(xiàn)代英文版本可資利用。只要可能,所選原著都會以完整而不刪節(jié)的形式出版,其中的譯作則是專門為本叢書的目的而安排。每一本書都有一個評論性的導言,加上歷史年表、生平梗概、進一步閱讀指南,  以及必要的詞匯表和原文注解。本叢書的最終目的是,為西方政治思想的整個發(fā)展脈絡提供一個清晰的輪廓。




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