
出版時間:2003-7  出版社:中國政法大學(xué)出版社  作者:費內(nèi)隆  頁數(shù):338  譯者:Patrick Riley  


Fenelon s Telemachus(1699)is,alongside Bossuet s Politics,the most important work of political theory of the grand siecle in France.It was also the most widely read work of the time,influencing Montesquieu and Rousseau in its attempt to combine monarchism with republican virtues.Fenelon tells of  the moral and political education of Telemachus,young son of Ulysses,by his tutor Mentor (the goddess Minerva in disguise).Telemachus visits every corner of the Mediterranean world and learns patience,courage,modesty,and simplicity,being the qualities he will need when he succeeds Ulysses,as king of Ithaca,It is the story of the transfornation of an egoistic young man into a model ruler,and is meant(among other things)as  a commentary on the bellicosity and luxuriousness of Louis XIV.    Patrick Riley,is Oakeshott Professor of Political Philosophy,University of Wisconsin-Madison.He is the editor of Leibniz:Political Writings and Bossuet:Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Holy Scripture in Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought.




AcknowledgmentsIntroductionCritical bibliongraphyBiographical sketchesTehemachus,son of UlyssesBook I Telemachus and Mentor,in search of Ulysses,arrive on the island of Calypso;the mymph is still bemoaning the departure of Ulysses Book II Telemachus’account of Sesostrus wise rule in EgyptBook III Telemachus’tale of the cruelties of Pygmalion and Astarbe at Tyre Book IV Mentor reproves telemachus for too easny falling under Calypso’s spell;Telemachus comtinues his narrativeBook V The story of Idomeneus,king of Crete,who kills is son and is banished.Mentor refuses the Cretsn throneBookVI Thlemachus falls in love with the nymph Eucharis,but Mentor tesrs him away trom Calypso’s island;Vwnus and Cupid are furious Book VII Telemachus and Mentor learn of the violent deaths of Pygmalios and Astarbe ;Adoam describes the simplicty of the Pastorsl land of BetiqueBook VIII Telemachus and Mentor are tricked by Venus into landing at Dalente,the new city of the exiled Idomeneus.Salente prepares for war against the ManduriansBook IX Idomeneus describes the fornding of Salente,the cause of the war with the Mandurians,and his grief in finding Nestor(hero of the Trojan War)om the opposingsideBook X Mentor acquaints himself with Salente and instructs Idomeneus in the art of governing ,hw stresses peace,agriculture,and disinterestedness,and the supppression of luxuryBook XI Idomeneus tells Mentor of his betrayal by the self -loving Protesilaus,and of the latter s efforts to ruin the virtuous and honest PhiloclesBook XII Telemachus ,in the xamp of Idomeneus allies ,gains the good will of philoctetes (who had been on bad terms with Ulysses);Philoctetes gives an account of the death of HerculesBook XIII Telemachus’quarrel with Hippias;the king of the Daunians attacks the forces of idomeneus and the allies .Death and funeral rites of Hippisas Book XIV Telemachus descends into the infernal regions in search of Ulysses,there ,in the Elysian fields,he sees the afrer-life of just kings .He meets the shade of his great-grandfather,who reveals that Ulysses still livesBook XV Telemachus defeats the enemies of IDomeneus and his allies m,and vanquishes the treacherous Adastrus(who had killed the son of nestor)Book XVI Telemachus refuses to divide the lands of the vanquished Daunians,and lets them choose a good king from their own numbersBook XVII Telemachus returns to Salente to discover Mentor s austere reforms in place:the city no longer love with Antipre,the virtuous daughter of IdomeneusBook XVIII Despite Idomeneus’ pleas,telemachus and Mentor leave Salente;Mentor gives his final advice about good government to Telemachus,then reveals himself to be Minerva,goddess of wisdom.Telemachus returns to Ithaca,where he finds his recently returned father,UlyssesIndex




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